May Jesus & Mary Always be Praised

Glengarry County & Area Connections Obits Availability--Master Table of Contents


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Glengarry County & Area Connections Obits Availability -- Master Table of Contents

This Master Table of Contents is an alphabetical name list of entries in the work,
Glengarry, Stormont Obits/Marriage, death notices etc.

AS OF Nov.1999

AND VOLUME 2 IS available.


Connections -- Master Table of Contents is a list, over 2000 name references, and is an edited version of the actual index.

The information in this index varies from as the following examples show;

BETHUNE, [Annie] , Mrs. Alex. W. McDougald, d. Apr. 29, 1942, Montreal, age 76, dau of James, family connections with Williamstown, Ont. p.V.11

FALKNER, John, d. July 5, 1917, age 60, Front Lancaster p.V.11

Availability & Terms

  • The Glengary News is available on Microfilm from 1892 to 1956 and afterwards on microfiche. I am no sure if it is available on interlibrary loan. The microfiche can be obtained from The Ontario Community Newspaper Association where prices can be obtained.

  • The same applies for the Cornwall Papers. Some are on microfilm at the Simon Fraser Public Library, 2nd Street & Sydney, Cornwall, Ontario.

  • See Newspaper Page/Local Groups for contact information on GPSSV local papers.

  • Cost of a print out of this 55 page MASTER TABLE OF CONTENTS index, cerlox bound with covers Nov, 1999 is $16.00 Canadian or US funds post paid printed format Also available on CD $13.50 Canadian post paid.

    • COST FOR 1 TO 6 ENTRIES $5.00 Canadian or $5.00 US funds EACH and includes postage, by e mail $3.00 per entry, item.
    • COST FOR 7 TO 12 ENTRIES $4.00 Canadian or $4.00 US funds EACH and includes postage.
    • COST FOR 13 + ENTRIES $3.00 Canadian or US funds EACH and includes postage.

  • This 2000 plus name index represents 1581 Computer print out pages of documentation. Each entry varying from a few lines to 2 to 3 pages. The average size of an entry is probably between a 1/2 to 3/4 of a page, as of Nov. 15. 99 the size of this 1581 page file is over 5 megs of disk space. As we get more obits, marriages copied, the size of this documentation will increase.

  • In addition to the index being available as stated above, The 1581 pages of documentation is also available. It will only be available on a CD and the cost is $130.00 Canadian post paid, or $130.00 US Funds post paid. The format used will be on CD - pdf format. If interested in obtaining a copy make cheque/money order payable to
    Alex. W. Fraser and mail to this address
    420 Harmston Avenue, Courtenay, BC V9N 2X2 Canada
    Also Paypal can be used for payment

  • This documentation includes in some case references to additional sources, church records, gravestone inscriptions, pedigree family charts, etc.

  • This complete documentation if printed would end up about 6 volumes

  • Thus it is not at present likely that there will be a full printed version of this material.

  • In the index below where you see a reference to p.V.1, this refers to the published copy of Glengarry Stormont Obits volume 1. Likewise for the reference to p.V11. This volumne has tentatively been prepared but has not been published as yet. Where there is no such reference it refers to additional information add after the references were made to either V.I or V.II. If a printed version existed, it would be referred too, as either V.III, V.IV or V.V

  • This edited index has been put on line on our web site for reference purposes only in order to assist the viewer in pursuing a possible direction in obtaining additional information on the reference concerned and is not meant to imply anything beyond that aspect. This material is available with the options offered.

  • Obtaining copies of this documentions is for personal use only by the person who purchased the material either as single entry or in full, it is not for further publication. If this material is further used in any manner, it should be used as is, without any editing and after getting written permisson to do so & including from the files of Alex W fraser.

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    updated 6/12

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