Bitron Testimonial from Alex W Fraser, Courtenay, BC. Canada
A bitron 'increase fuel efficiency' product user since November 1998

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Our titles in most cases are always available for those interested individuals who desire to purchase a copy & support our efforts. Thanks for this act of Kindness. AWF

Alex W Fraser has used these bitron excellent products in his 1997 1/2 ton GMC truck for over 107,000 miles Yes, the bitron Products Work. These are my bitron mileage claims.Why I use Bitron

This log has been on my mind for a while. This journey started again recently as a result of Bitron international of Australia was looking for testimonials of bitron product usage. On their Facebook page at

So I started off with my own 14 year usage results of these excellent Bitron products in general terms.

Then I was asked a question from Ted MacDonald How much do you spend on Bitron products per fill up?

The table below is my actual bitron product usage results spread over the period from June 1 1999 to the present, of which 6 years are now logged as shown below in the table

truckdial awf1997GMCtruckalexandrhoda

photo L to R Truck dial July 2012 :-- mid my red 1997 1/2 Ton GMC truck :-- right Alex W Fraser & wife Rhoda Ross

Contact Alex W Fraser, A Bitron canadian distributor
This is my, Alex W Fraser specific results on My last 89 tanks of fuel [over 9 plus years] of which 81 gave on the whole great results on reduced fuel costs with mileage readings as of
Jul 18/05 158218
Aug 16/05 164637
Sep 1/05 166963.6
Sep 21/05 172341.3
Jan 19/06 175774.8
May 2/06 179485
Oct 22/06 183791.5
Jan 11/07 185733.9
Jan 4/08 193247.0
Sep 29/09 200593.9
Jan 16/11 204851.2
May 11 /12 208818.5
On June 19/12 209445.2
On Aug 24/12 210073.0
On Nov 5/12 211326.1
On Mar 29/13 212523.8
Jun 2/13 213072.5
on Jan 23/14 215400.3

I use on the whole only shell bronze regular fuel and sometimes Chevron regular fuel
My average amount of fuel conditioner used per fill up is between 2.5 & 3.0 ounces. Thou at time I do put up to a full bottle in my gas tank after a fill up.

My base is 17 mpg. Gas is a constant cost as are the bitron products
The 1st 14 columns should be self explainitory
Column 16 is the resulting mpg - base mpg
column 17 is the mileage gained. if the gain is say 4.82 mpg then the mileage that 4.82 gallons gets at an average of 21.95 mpg is 105.80 miles
column 18 is fuel use gained which in the above case is 4.82 gallons
Column 19 fuel reduced cost that does not have to be paid for is in this sample cost of fuel 1.159 a litre X 4.55 = $5.27 a gallon X 4.82 =$25.41 not spent on fuel with that tank of gas
The important columns to review
Column 14 & 15 for Bitron Product amount & cost
column 17 & 19 for the amount of gained milege & reduced fuel cost not paid for.

col 1 col 2 col 3col 4 col 5 col 6 col 7 col 8 col 9 col 10 col 11 col 12col 13 col 14 col 15 col 16col 17col 18col 19
Datesource & price/litregallons
the bank
the bank
truck actual mileagekms/tankmiles/tankgas costgst taxtotal cost $$kms/litrempg LocationBitron used FC
the deposit
bitron cost $$
the deposit
extra mpgMileage gained
the return
fuel use gained gallonsfuel cost saved gross $$
the interest return
Jun 28/05 shell bronze .95 13.881 63.158 156983.2 600.5 372.31 56.07 3.93 60.00 9.50826.822Courtenay, BC1.5 oz 2.949.822215.599.822$42.46
Jul 12/05 shell 1.004 17.95 81.673 157751 767.7 475.97 76.64 5.36 82 9.391126.5167Courtenay, BC3.0 oz 5.889.5167208.899.5167$43.47
Jul 13/05 oil change 157831.2 36.9 5.16 tax 42.06 Penzoil 581 Ryan Rd Courtenay 8 oz E formulation 4oz 246 diff 6 oz trans
Jul 18/05 esso reg @0.799 12.6543 57.577 158218 466.9 289.48 42.99 3.01 46.000 8.10922.95Abbotsford, BC2.0 oz 3.925.95136.555.95$21.63
Jul 19/05 esso reg @0.915 17.5824 80. 159051.6 833.6 516.83 68.41 4.79 73.20 10.4129.46Hinton, Alberta2.0 oz 3.9212.46367.0713.42$51.87
Jul 20/05 esso reg @0.969 16.956 77.154 159880.9 829.3 514.17 69.87 4.89 74.76 10.748630.42Saskatoon, Sask3.0 oz 5.8813.42408.2413.42$59.17
Jul 22/05 esso reg @0.944 18.8138 85.603 160771.5 890.5 552.11 65.52 5.29 80.81 10.40229.44Ste Inbach, Man2.5 oz 4.9012.44366.2312.44$56.26
Jul 23/05 esso reg @0.999 16.2222 73.811 161551.5 880.1 545.66 68.92 4.82 73.74 11.92433.74Nipigon, Ont2.5 oz 4.9016.74564.8016.74$76.09
Jul 23/05 esso reg @0.999 16.059 73.071 162327.2 775.5 480.81 68.22 4.78 73.00 10.61330.03Kirkland Lake, Ont2.5 oz 4.9013.03391.2913.03$59.23
Jul 25/05 esso reg @0.883 17.4219 79.275 163145.8 818.6 507.53 65.42 4.58 70.00 10.33429.24Curry Hill, Ont3.0 oz 5.88212.24357.9012.24$49.18
Aug 5/05 esso reg @0.939 17.914 81.51 163863.5 717.6 444.91 71.54 5.00 76.54 8.80424.92Curry Hill, Ont2.0 oz 3.927.92197.337.92$33.84
Aug 16/05 esso reg @0.992 17.905 81.47 164637 773 479.26 75.53 5.29 80.82 9.488226.766Curry Hill, Ont2.5 oz 4.909.766261.4012.9369$44.08
Aug 20/05 shell br reg @0.988 11.792 53.654 165151.9 514.9 319.24 49.54 3.47 53.01 9.59727.072Curry Hill, Ont2.5 oz 4.9010.072272.6712.9369$45.28
Aug 21/05 shell br reg @0.949 10.527 47.9 165660.3 508.3 315.15 42.49 2.97 45.46 10.611729.9369Toronto, Ont2.0 oz 3.9212.9369387.2912.9369$55.86
Aug 22/05 esso reg @0.979 8.955 40.746 166110.3 449.9 278.94 37.28 2.61 39.89 11.043231.15Curry Hill, Ont2.0 oz 3.9214.15440.7714.15$63.03
Sep 1/05 esso reg @1.189 20.83 92.74 166963.6 853.4 529.11 103.00 7.20 109.99 9.225.962Curry Hill, Ont3.0 oz 5.888.962232.678.962$48.48
Sep 10/05 esso reg @1.097 18.033 82/051 167746.4 782.7 485.27 84.12 5.89 90.01 9.53926.91Curry Hill, Ont2.5 oz 4.909.91266.689.91$49.46
Sep 12/05 shell bronze reg @1.251 16.956 77.15 168535.9 789.5 485.49 90.2 6.31 96.51 10.233328.868North Bay, Ont2.0 oz 3.9211.868342.6111.868$67.55
Sep 13 /05 shell bronze reg @1.189 8.8725 40.37 168938.2 402.3 249.43 44.86 3.14 48.00 10.21328.1123Cochrane, Ont1.5 oz 2.9411.1123312.392311.1123$60.12
Sep 14 /05 esso reg @124.9 12.796 58.221 169563.3 625 387.5 67.96 4.76 72.72 10.7330.2829Nipigon, Ont.2.0 oz 3.9213.2829402.2413.2829$74.66
Sep 15 /05 shell bronze@108.9 15.9679 72.654 170294.6 731.4 453.49 73.94 5.18 79.12 10.0628.3987Prawda, Man2.0 oz 3.9211.3987332.7111.3987$56.48
Sep 17 /05 shell bronze@107.9 15.2246 69.272 171008.8 714.2 443 73.17 4.89 78.06 10.3129.0848regina, Sask 2.0 oz 3.9212.0848351.4812.0848$59.33
Sep 20 /05 RaceTrareg@105.9 16.444 75.73 171626.4 617.5 382.85 74.95 5.25 80.20 8.15423.0Bow Island, AB2.0 oz 3.926.0138.06.028.91
Bucking a very stong wind from regina heading west, and a right front tire going a little soft
Sep 21 /05 esso@118.9 14.725 66.997 172341.3 714.9 428.94 74.45 5.21 79.66 10.67130.20Golden, BC2.0 oz 3.9213.20398.6412.31371.41
Sep 23 /05 shell bronze@113.4 18.0244 82.011 173191.1 849.8 527 86.92 6.08 93.00 10.36229.313Courtenay, BC 2.0 oz 3.9212.313360.9312.31363.53
Oct 19 /05 oil change, insp, etc . . 173817 . . 119.00 16.68 135.89 ..Courtenay, BC8.0 oz E T 25.00 ....
Oct 23 /05 shell bronze@1.079 18.5173 84.254 173866.4 675.3 419 84.96 5.95 90.91 8.01522.69Courtenay, BC12.0 oz 25.005.69129.115.6927.93
Dec 5 /05 shell bronze@89.14 18.311 83.315 174398.7 532.2 330 71.71 4.98 76.15 6.387818.02Courtenay, BC6.0 oz 11.761.0218.341.024.14
Dec 31 /05 shell bronze@89.0 16.4316 74.764 175009.7 611 378.82 62.19 4.35 66.54 8.172423.13Courtenay, BC4.0 oz 7.846.13141.796.1324.82
2005 my mpg average was 9.328 Kms/Litre or 27.078 mpg . . . . . . . .. ....
1/19/06 shellbr@0.939 19.29 87.774 175774.8 705.1 437.162 77.03 5.39 82.42 8.033 22.73 5.510.785.73130.2435.7324.48
2/11/06 shellbr@0.874 12.574 57.21 176145 430.2 266.724 56.73 3.27 60.00 7.520 21.28 4.07.844.2891.084.2817.02
3/12/06 chevron@0.964 18.144 82.555 176753.2 608.2 377.084 79.58 5.21 84.79 7.367 20.849 3.56.863.84980.253.84916.88
3/29/06 chevron@1.034 18.6 84.629 177459.6 706.3 437.906 81.79 5.73 87.51 8.0 23.543 4.07.846.543184.586.54330.78
4/05/06 bitron . . 177904 . . . . . . . 2.0 oz OB6.00 ....
4/06/06 chevron@1.079 15.6415 71.169 178117.5 657.8 407.836 71.77 5.02 76.79 9.0 26.074 3.05.889.074236.609.07444.55
4/11/06 chevron@1.054 14.358 84.538 178770.8 653.2 404.984 64.35 4.51 68.96 9.998 28.294 2.03.92 11.294319.55211.294 54.163
5/2/06 chevron@1.124 18.58 84.538 179485 714.2 442.804 89.80 6.22 95.02 8.448 23.832 1.52.94 6.832162.8206.832 34.94
6/4/06 chevron@1.164 18.223 82.914 180107.5 622.4 385.888 90.20 6.31 96.51 8.0 22.64 3.05.88 5.64127.6905.64 29.87
6/19/06 chevron@1.134 17.2255 78.376 180780.6 673.1 417.322 83.07 5.81 88.88 8.588 24.227 3.05.88 7.227175.097.22737.55
missing data based on mileage readings . . . . . . .. ....
8/24/06 chevron@1.134 9.856 44.845 182408.6 303.5 188.17 47.97 2.88 50.85 7.0 19.0919 2.03.92 2.091939.9382.091910.794
10/10/06 chevron@0.984 18.2628 83.096 183081.6 673.0 417.26 77.10 4.63 81.77 8.099 22.8475 2.54.89 5.8475133.6015.847536.807
10/22/06 chevron@0.964 17.334 78.868 183791.5 709.9 440.139 71.73 4.3 76.03 9.001 25.3916 2.54.89 8.3916213.0768.391636.807
11/12/06 chevron@0.964 15.5077 70.76 184330.4 538.8 334.056 64.17 3.85 68.02 7.636 21.60 2.03.92 4.6099.364.6020.18
12/6/06 chevron@0.944 15.7556 71.688 184827.6 497.1 308.202 63.84 3.83 67.67 7.0 19.5614 3.05.88 2.561450.1052.561411.00
12/20/06 chevron@1.014 10.725 48.799 185220.5 392.9 243.598 47.64 2.86 50.5 8.0 22.7131 3.05.88 5.713129.7625.71326.359
2006 my mpg average was 8.07 Kms/Litre or 22.84 mpg . . . . . . . .. ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....
2007 - 2008 22 fill ups . . 185700.0 . . . . . . . .. ....
1/11/07 chevron@1.004 16.004 72.82 185733.9 513.4 318.308 67.94 4.08 72.02 7.05 19.889 6.011.76 2.88957.452.88913.198
1/27/07 chevron@0.944 15.991 72.759 186330.1 596.2 369.644 64.79 3.89 68.68 8.0 23.116 3.05.88 6.116141.3776.11626.269
2/23/07 chevron@0.944 17.694 80.508 186917 586.9 363.878 71.70 4.30 76.00 7.299 20.565 3.05.88 3.56573.3143.56515.312
3/28/07 chevron@1.08 16.28 74.08 187458.4 541.4 335.668 75.48 4.53 80.01 7.308 20.618 2.54.89 3.61874.5963.61817.78
4/18/07 bitron . . 188104.4 . . . . . . . 4.0 oz OB12.00 ....
4/18/07 chevron@1.15 17.5374 79.795 188104.4 646.0 400.52 86.57 5.19 91.76 8.0 22.838 3.05.88 5.838133.335.83830.547
4/22/07 bitron . . 188749.1 . . . . . . . 2.0 oz OB6.00 ....
4/22/07 chevron@1.079 14.813 67.399 188749.1 644.6 399.652 68.6 4.12 72.72 10.0 26.979 4.58.826 9.979269.2239.97948.996
5/4/07 chevron@1.194 19.3477 88.032 189561.5 812.4 503.688 99.16 5.95 105.11 9.0 26.0335 3.05.88 9.0335235.17369.033549.076
6/6/07 chevron@1.134 17.0325 77.498 190122.9 561.4 348.0685 82.91 4.97 87.88 7.244 20.50 3.05.88 3.5071.753.5018.059
7/6/07 petrocan@1.109 18.236 82.236 190800.4 677.5 420.05 87.00 5.23 92.23 8.238 23.315 3.05.88 6.315147.2346.31531.865
8/13/07 petrocan@1.059 16.6013 75.536 191423.3 623 386.26 73.44 4.56 80.00 8.0 23.26 2.54.89 7.26168.8677.2634.982
9/27/07 petrocan@1.049 18.856 85.798 191889.1 465.8 288.796 82.08 4.92 87.00 5.429 15.32 2.54.89 -1.68-25.73-1.68
9/29/07 bitron. . . 192050.2 . . . . .. 6 oz DC11.76 ....
10/22/07 petrocan@0.999 18.2395 82.99 192598.0 708.8 439.456 75.47 4.53 80.00 8.541 24.17 2.54.89 7.17173.307.1732.591
12/20/07 petrocan@1.044 18.968 86.306 193099.4 501.4 310.868 85.00 5.10 90.10 6.0 16.389 2.54.89 -0.611-10.013-0.611.
2007 my mpg average was 7.802 Kms/Litre or 22.08 mpg . . . . . . . .. ....
1/4/08 bitron. . . 193247.0 . . . . .. 12 oz DC23.50....
1/7/08 oil change` . . 193297.0 . . 57.32 6.88 64.20 . . 16 oz ET28.00 ....
1/18/08 petrocan@1.039 10.59 48.187 193474.0 374.5 232.19 47.45 2.37 49.82 7.77 21.93 2.54.89 4.93108.114.9323.31
2/11/08 petrocan@1.039 17.005 77.371 194025.5 551.5 341.93 78.9 3.81 61.84 7.128 20.11 3.05.88 3.1162.5423.1114.702
3/18/08 petrocan@1.145 11.528 52.451 194534.7 509.2 315.704 58.98 2.86 61.84 9.708 27.473 2.03.92 10.473287.72410.47354.562
4/9/08 chevron@1.179 18.72 85.178 194826.2 291.5 180.73 95.24 4.76 100.00 3.422 9.65 2.54.89 -7.35-70.928-7.35.
6/4/08 petrocan@1.315 16.725 76.1 195481.1 654.9 406.038 95.24 4.76 102.66 8.606 24.355 2.54.89 7.355179.1317.35544.006
6/18/08 bitron . . 195581.0 . . . . . . . 2.0 oz OB6.00 ....
7/14/08 petrocan@1.435 18.262 83.103 195983.9 502.7 311.672 117.20 5.71 122.91 6.04 17.064 3.05.88 0.6410.920.644.179
9/10/08 petrocan@1.349 18.655 84.883 196499 515.1 319.362 106.13 5.41 111.54 8.46 23.94 2.54.89 6.94166.1446.9442.597
10/20/08 petrocan@1.139 18.919 86.082 197099.0 600 372 90.51 4.53 95.04 6.97 19.66 3.05.88 2.6652.302.6613.785
12/27/08 chevron@0.754 18.252 83.05 197562.1 463.0 287.06 59.64 2.98 62.62 5.575 15.727 2.54.89 -1.273-20.02-1.273.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....
2009 - 2010 11 fill ups . . 198000.0 . . . . . . . .. ....
2/17/09 chevron@0.944 18.009 81.945 198048.4 486.3 301.506 73.68 3.68 77.36 5.934 16.742 2.54.89 -0.258-4.319-0.258.
2/18/09 ignition, brake work. filter done . . 198048.4 . . . . 1368.17 . .......
5/7/09 Shell@0.939 19.193 87.327 198646.4 593.3 367.846 78.1 3.90 82.00 6.794 19.1656 2.54.89 2.1656415052.16569.252
6/14/09 Aspen coop@1.059 16.766 76.285 199170.0 523.6 324.632 76.94 3.85 80.79 6.864 19.424 2.54.89 2.42447.0842.42411.68
9/29/09 comox coop@1.059 19.125 87.02 200593.9 647.9 401.698 87.76 4.39 92.15 7.4445 21.004 3.05.88 4.00484.1004.00418.04
12/2/09 comox coop@0.99 17.585 80.01 201062.0 465.3 288.486 76.15 3.78 79.93 5.816 16.405 4.58.82 -0.96.-.96.
2/3/10 chevron@1.019 17.044 77.55 201546.1 484.1 300.142 75.26 3.76 79.02 6.2424 17.610 3.05.88 0.61010.7420.6102.83
4/13/10 chevron@1.059 18.022 82.002 20071.6 525.4 325.748 82.70 4.14 86.84 6.407 18.132 3.05.88 1.13220.5251.1325.454
4/13/10 oilchange/analysis
tire rotation
. . 202138.0 . . . . 80.75 . . 16 oz ET28.00 ....
5/27/10 chevron@1.119 17.972 81.771 202655.6 584.1 362.142 87.34 4.36 91.5 7.143 20.151 2.54.89 3.15163.503.15116.04
7/12/10 chevron@1.099 19.1978 87.35 203344.6 689 427.18 91.43 4.57 96 7.88 22.252 3.05.88 5.252116.8685.25226.262
8/19/10 superstore@1.059 13.9059 63.272 203831.0 486 301.32 63.83 3.19 67.01 7.68 21.669 2.54.89 4.669101.1724.66922.50
11/12/10 chevron@1.129 17.41 79.216 204336.9 505.9 313.658 85.17 4.26 89.43 6.0 18.0164.07.84 1.01618.3041.0165.219
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....
col 1 col 2 col 3col 4 col 5 col 6 col 7 col 8 col 9 col 10 col 11 col 12col 13 col 14 col 15 col 16col 17col 18
Datesource & price/litregallons
the bank
the bank
truck actual mileagekms/tankmiles/tankgas costgst taxtotal cost $$kms/litrempgBitron used FC
the deposit
bitron cost $$
the deposit
extra mpgMileage gained
the return
fuel use gained gallonsfuel cost saved gross $$
the interest return
2011 - 2012 11 fill ups . . 204800. . . . . . . . .. ....
1/16/11 shell br@1.10 18.237 82.982 204851.2 514.3 318.866 87.63 4.38 92.01 6.0 17.484 3.0oz $5.88 .484 8.46.484$2.42
3/11/11 shell br@1.219 18.029 82.034 205385.4 534 331.08 95.24 4.76 100.00 6.509 18.3633.0 oz $5.88 1.363 29.9321.363$7.56
5/24/11 shell br@1.277 18.9316 86.139 206001 615.6 381.672 104.76 5.24 110.00 7.14 20.1622.5 oz 4.89 3.162 63.753.162$18.37
8/11/11 shell br@1.159 18.54 84.383 206652.3 651.3 403.81 93.14 4.66 97.80 7.71 21.823.0 oz $5.88 4.82 105.174.82$25.41
9/11/11 shell br@1.129 17.52 79.717 207299.6 647.3 401.33 85.71 4.29 90.00 8.12 22.983.5 oz $6.86 5.98 137.425.98$30.72
12/26/11 shell br@1.139 18.524 84.284 207803.7 504.1 310.682 91.43 4.57 96.00 5.981 16.7722.5 oz $4.89 -.0.228 -1.18no gain$.
4/13/12 oilchange/analysis . . 208265.0 . . . . 80.75 . . 16 oz ET28.00 ....
03/14/12 shell br@1.289 18.24 83.010 208274.8 471.1 292.082 101.90 5.10 107.00 5.67 16.043.0 oz $5.88 -0.96 -5.63 no gain .
05/11/12 shell br@1.259 17.46 79.428 208818.5 543.7 337.09 95.24 4.75 100.00 6.85 19.382.5 oz $4.89 2.38 46.122.38$13.63
6/19/12 shell@1.349 16.781 76.353 209445.2 626.7 388.55 98.10 4.90 103.00 8.21 23.23 3.0 oz $5.88 6.23144.726.23$38.24
8/24/12 Shell br@121.9 18.03 82.034 210073.0 627.7 389.17 95.24 4.76 100.00 7.6521 21.652.5 oz $4.89 4.65100.674.65$25.79
11-05-12 shell br@1.119 16.15 73.503L 211326.1 608.7 377.39 78.33 3.92 82.25 8.28 23.443.0 oz $5.88 6.44 150.956.44$32.79
11/28/12 added 1 bitron 2oz octane booster 211421 2.0 oz OB 6.00 . .. .
2 year totals
1/16/11 to 11/5/12 11 fill ups . . 6474.9KMS driven 78.122/11=
31.5 oz $66.88
cost of product
34.321mpg gained 780.382 mileage gained 35.509 $194.93 fuel reduction savings or 17.72 return per fillup
2013 . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....
Feb 9/13 Shell@1.269 19.40 88.258 211857.4 531.3 329.41 106.67 5.33 112.00 6.02 17.04 Courtenay, BC 12oz DC
1 OB
25.00 0.046.820.04$2.31
Mar 29/13 shell bronze @1.269 17.886 84.381 212523.8 666.4 413.168 101.98 5.10 107.08 7.89822.35Courtenay, BC3.0 oz 5.885.35119.5735.35$30.89
Jun 2/13 shell bronze @1.299 18.45 83.918 213072.5 548.7 340.194 103.82 5.19 109.01 6.5418.51Courtenay, BC2.5 oz 4.901.5127.951.51$8.92
Aug 17/13 shell bronze @1.279 18.678 84.988 213707.1 634.6 393.452 103.52 5.18 108.70 7.46721.13Courtenay, BC2.5 oz 4.904.1387.274.13$24.03
Sep 28/13 shell bronze @1.269 19.571 89.046 214322.0 614.8 381.18 107.62 5.38 113.00 6.90419.477Courtenay, BC3.0 oz 5.882.47748.2442.477$14.08
Nov 7/13 added 1 Bitron Powertrain at 214714.0 in transmission . . . . . Courtenay, BC1 PT 12.0 oz 25.00 . . . .
Nov 20/13 shell bronze @1.249 19.532 88.871 214890.2 568.2 352.284 105.71 5.29 111.00 6.39418.04Courtenay, BC1 OB 3.0 oz 12.881.0418.761.04$5.91
Jan 23/14 shell bronze @1.139 19.2980 87.805 215400.3 510.1 316.262 95.25 4.76 100.01 5.809516.388Courtenay, BC1 OB 3.0 oz 12.88-0.12nil -0.12 nil
early Marchlost my radiator coolant for some reason, on checking no leakage found as reason
Apr 8/14 shell bronze @1.269 18.91 86.020 215919.8 519.6 322.152 101.91 5.20 106.91 6.0417.094Courtenay, BC3.0 oz 5.880.0941.61 0.094 $0.543
Apr 24/14lost my radiator coolant for some reason, on checking no leakage found as reason
May 30/14 shell bronze @1.319 18.00 81.903 216475.8 556.0 344.72 102.93 5.14 108.03 6.7919.212Courtenay, BC3.5 oz 6.862.21246.53 2.12 $12.72
Jun 21/14With the above coolant leak, things deterioated in the running of the engine quite rapidly and As of Jun 21st, after gtting th truck chckd found that the transmission required a total rebuild, with other repairs necssary, the over all cost was in the $8,000.00 range. The above red truck still runs but is very nosy. This initiated getting another vehicle, a 2001 GMC 1/2 ton white Silverado automatic 4.3 L V6 engine with 179161 miles on it. Now it is on to a new log for the new truck

I use all the Bitron products Fuel Conditioner, engine treatment & powertrain. Also the Tire Safety solution. What I use the most is the fuel conditioner. Retail cost of one 16oz bottle of fuel conditioner is $23.35 + tax 12% & shipping [minimum shipping on web site is $12.95]

A 16oz bottle of Bitron fuel conditioner will do me about 7 fill ups.The previous 12oz bottle did me about 5 fill ups. I use the average cost per ounce of Fuel conditioner at $1.96 retail. My last 3 tanks of fuel got me over 600 kms per fillup, 90% of which was in town driving. This comes out to between 21.5 & 23.5 mpg per fill up. So that average of 6.5 extra mpg comes out to a saving of about 140 miles per fill up.

On the May 11 fill up I added 2.5oz of fuel conditioner cost $4.89 retail On Jun 19 fillup I added 3 oz of fuel conditioner cost $5.06 On Aug 24 fillup I added 2.5 oz of fuel conditioner cost $4.89 On Nov 5fillup I added 3oz of fuel conditioner cost 5.06

My average mileage increase, using a base of 17 mpg for these last 4 tanks of fuel is 21.95mpg or an extra 4.95 mpg

On my May 11 fillup I got 2.38 extra mpg. This got me 52.24 extra miles on that tank of gas This saved me reduced fuel cost of 2.38 gallons or $13.48-4.89=$8.59 net or just over 175% return on the $4.89 PRODUCT COST
On my Jun 19 fillup I got 6.23 extra mpg This got me 136.75 extra miles on that tank of gas. This saved me reduced fuel cost of 6.23 gallons or $38.24-$5.06 =$33.19 net
On my Aug 24 fillup I got 4.65 extra mpg This got me 102.06 extra miles on that tank of gas this saved me in reduced fuel costs of 4.65 gallons or $25.79 -$4.89= $20.90 net
On my Nov 11 fill up I got 6.44 extra mpg this got me 141.36 extra miles on that tank of gas. This saved me in reduced fuel costs of 6.44 gallons [1.119 x 4.55 x $5.09/gallon] or $32.79 - $5.00= $27.79 net

On these 11 tanks of gas the product cost me a total of $66.80 retail. My NET return in reduced fuel costs $194.78-66.80 were NET $127.98

I have been using bitron in my truck for over 107,000 miles I also use the bitron [TSS] tire safety solution and haven’t put air in my tires in almost the past year. The air pressure stays fairly constant at around 32psi. I have had the TSS in my tires for at least the last 4 or 5 years. As a result my tires are wearing evenly after about 30,000 kms of use.

Between Jan 1, 2010 & Nov 5/12 inclusive I filled up 17 times.

I have a log of my fuel & maintenance costs for most of the time since I started using bitron in November 1998 similar to the above sample

The engine treatment -- initially in crank case 2- 8 oz bottles then at next oil change 1 - 8 oz bottle 2 engine treatment costs $46.50 Retail + tax & shipping if ordered separately & if you change your oil ever 5 or 6,000 kms then the cost is about $0.00946 cents per km. As you use the engine treatment you can extend the time between oil changes. I have gone over 12,000 km or 7440 miles between oil changes.

The powertrain & gear formulation is a one time treatment for your transmission, differential & power steering

On average that combination usually take 2 8 oz bottle of bitron powertrain. THIS IS A 1 TIME TREATMENT This will also depend on the capacity of the transmission & differential

2 8 oz bottles of powertrain is $48.30 Retail + tax & shipping if ordered separately. So if you do not flush your transmission or differential this cost is very minor over 50 to 100,000 kms

So to answer your question Ted, based on how I use the bitron products, other than the initial cost, that cost is less than $5.00 Retail on all the bitron I use per fill up.

Yes, there is an initial cost to get stated. I recommend to start, 2 bottle of each of the fuel conditioner, engine treatment & powertrain. This I sell for $162.00 tax included shipping is extra depending on the location of the person is or if the products are picked up.

If your car has a 10 gallon fuel tank then you will get 10 fillups from a 16 oz bottle of fuel conditioner. you will get your usual time between oil changes with the engine treatment which is added to the crankcase oil the power train is a 1 time treatment, put the product in and then forget about it unless you flush

The above estimates are based on the retail price and are approximate. If you are getting the products wholesale then there is a better savings.

It all depends on what your desire is, how long you desire to use the products to gain the benefits. Once you start using the products, it will also depend on what you become aware off, result wise. I recommend that you try them between at least 2 oil changes that give you time to get adjusted to whatever results happen.

ALSO REMEMBER THIS, the mileage difference small or big is the most obvious result.

Nevertheless once these product are in your vehicle they are working for your benefit whether you recognize any results or not, like
smoother running
Easier starting
more power
longer lasting vehicle
less wear & tear, maintenance
cuts down harmful emission by up to 90%
extended times between oil changes
keeping your engine squeaky clean
a daily tune up
a more efficient vehicle or other equipment
you can do more with less energy
Your crankcase oil stays cleaner longer before getting black

Also All results will vary

Hoping this helps

Any additional questions feel free to get back to me with them 866-517-2113 or 250-338-6334 Contact Alex web site

here are some videos you can check out

That less than $5.00 average I spend on bitron per fill up gets me about 140 extra miles and reduces my fuel costs by a net of over $28.00 per fill up. That is over a 500% return [$5.00X500%=$27.50] on my $5.00 cost of bitron. the gross fuel reduction is $33.144 for that $5.00 cost per fill up

Ted, I will now revise my answer to your question-- How much do you spend on Bitron products per fill up? -- a little. The initial cost of bitron products per fill up for me, Alex W Fraser in my 1997 1/2 GMC truck with 4.3L V6 manual transmission is retail less than $5.00. That $5.00 brings me a savings, a reduced net fuel cost of over $28.00 to the positive. So in actual fact I do not spend any money on bitron products per fill up as I get on average a net return of over $28.00 in reduced fuel costs. Bitron is the bank paying me this high interest return on my fuel budget. These excellent products pays me to use them. They have been doing so now for 14 years. Where can you find better leverage than that. -------

So think of this, for every $5.00 you put out in this manner, would you turn down a 20 to 30 dollar return. -------

So the final answer to Ted’s question How much do you spend on Bitron products per fill up?

In actuality I do not spend any money on bitron products per fill up. THESE EXCELLENT PRODUCTS PAY ME BACK IN REDUCED FUEL COST OF BETWEEN 20 & 30 DOLLARS ON AVERAGE PER FILL UP.

It would be insane of me not to continue to use these Bitron products that continuously pays for itself for me to use them.

Ted, now that you know what I do in using these excellent Bitron products how do you answer your question to me. Do I actually spend money on the bitron products per fill up.

Here are a few more tidbits for my testimonial with the bitron products.

1-- got as high as 35.5 mpg with my truck. I am revising item 1 from 35.5 to 36.768. In May 2000 we drove from Edmonton Alberta to Portage La Prairie Manitoba on a tank of gas. a distance of 1290.6 KMS or 800.17 miles with 29 litres still left in the gas tank before we filled up in Portage La Prairie. That got me 36.768 mpg or 13.033 kms/litre. That was on 3 oz of bitron diesel conditioner.

2-- still using my original exhaust muffler system on my 1997 truck

3-- in about 2003 Canadian Tire told me my battery was finished-- it took a years & a half to die

4-- in 2005 we drove across Canada 10,000 miles or so and averaged over all 26 mpg. On that same trip coming back from Lancaster/Bainsville, Ontario basically on the Ontario - Quebec boundary on Lake St Frances we had the truck back loaded along with an 8 x 5 trailor loaded, a gross weight of truck & trailor & contents of over 4.5 tons which we hauled over 3200 miles from Bainsville, Ontario to Tofino BC on the west coast of Vancouver Island & back to Courtenay, BC and averaged 23mpg on that leg of the trip, with no revving, no overheating, no flat tires, no nothing, but clean sailing. this included driving through a snow storm in early November north of Kamloops. BC.

5-- I had an oil change in March 2010 and again in March 2012 and in that time of some 4000 kms my oil didn't get jet black. it was still a dark honey brown colour when I changed the oil in March 2012.

6-- I have 2 sets of oil analysis from 2 different sources for my last 2 oil changes.

Now it is time for me to go to bed since it is almost 2 AM in BC

Then I was asked a question from Ted MacDonald How much do you spend on Bitron products per fill up?

Ted, now that you know what I do in using these excellent Bitron products how do you answer your question to me. Do I actually spend money on the bitron products per fill up.

So I expanded my answer. Which you can find on face book at for Nov 27/12

This is a more fined tuned answer to that question. How much do you spend on Bitron products per fill up?

With the bitron engine treatment, fuel conditioner & powertrain, I have averaged a 6-7 mpg increase per fill up these past 14 years in my 1997 1/2 GMC truck 4.3L V6 manual transmission. In other works I have saved at least in fuel costs of a 100-120 miles or 170-195kms per fill up for 14 years. or look at it this way ----------

say 8 fillups a year for 14 years is 112 fillups. 112 fillup in which I saved at least 100 miles of fuel costs comes to 11,200 miles of driving that I didn't have to buy gas for. To me that is a great deal -------

These bitron product rock. Where do you get that kind of leverage in other fuel efficiency products. My average fill up is about 85-90 litres of fuel or about 20 gallons. Right now in Courtenay, BC we are paying $5.09 a gallon or 1.119 a litre

Ted MacDonald How much do you spend on Bitron products per fill up?

Thank you for your query Ted. A quick answer; There is an initial cost for the Bitron products. My average cost per fillup is less than $5.00 Retail on all the bitron products I use per fill up & this cost is part of the initial cost, spread over use of that product order, A more complete answer follows.

Ted here is the more complete answer to your question of how much do you spend on bitron products per fill up.----------Thank you for your query Ted. A quick answer; There is an initial cost for the Bitron products. My average cost per fillup is less than $5.00 Retail on all the bitron products I use per fill up & this cost is part of the initial cost, spread over use of that product order, A more complete answer follows.

Contact Alex W Fraser
Courtenay, BC Canada
Nov 27 2012

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