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"B" -- Connections Documentation Items Available
BAILEY, Rev. Dr. Frank A.S., died Alexandria, Ont, Sep. 2000, of Maxville, age 72, husband of Felicia (nee Barton) . Obit,
BAIN, Alex, died Aug 1901, Char twp, age 75 Obit,GI,
BAIN, Mrs. Allan, nee Mary Ann McRae, died Aug. 1907, Char. Twp. Obit,GI,
BAKER, Mrs. Edna, nee McMeekin, died Aug. 1985, Montreal, Que Obit,
BAMMEL, Mrs. Justin, nee Martha Gelineau died, Napanee, Indiana, Aug. 1960 age 57, dau of John, LochielObit,
BARRETT, Mrs. William, Nee ________ died Jan. 1899, Williamstown Obit,
BARCLAY, Eileen Eleanor, nee Shaughnessy, died Alexandria, Ont, sep. 2001, wife of the late Gordon Campbell Barclay Obit,
BARKWAY/McLENNAN, James Duncan, born Toronto, Ont, July 1999, dau of Valerie & Paul . BA,
BARRY, Leo to Isabella Fraser, m. Aug. 1926, Lancaster Mar,
BARRY, Mrs. Leo, nee Isabella Fraser, died Mar.1966, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. Obit, FC,
BARRY, Leona m'd to Joseph LaMothe, 1959, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. Mar,
BARTON, Caroline H., Mrs. George Mode, died Dec 1900, age 47, of West Hawkesbury Obit,
BARTON, Roy of Lochinvar to Anna Alexandra Fraser, 1945 Mar,FC,
BATEMAN, Muriel Gladys (Porter), died Cornwall, Nov 1999, age 83, wife of the late John Stanley Bateman, of Thetford Mines, Que. Obit,
BATES, Norman Albert, died Cornwall, Ont, Feb. 1998, husband of Muriel Obit,
BATHURST, Alexander d. 1900 age 84, Loch. Obit,
BATHURST, Angus in California, July 1894, son of William, maybe from Dalhousie, Ont.Obit,
BAUER, Earle E., died Cornwall, Dec 2000, age 78, husband of Mollie Rayworth Obit,
BEAUDRY, Elda , Mrs. Eculide Rouleau, died at Alexandria, Jan. 1936, age 58, of Papineauville, Que.Obit,GI,
BEAUDRY, Cecile (nee Duquette), died Cornwall, Ont, Feb. 2001, age 89, wife of Joseph. Obit,
BELANGER, Ed, died Cornwall, May. 2000, of Williamsburg, age 88, Obit,
BELLIS, William Edward, died Nanaimo, July 2002 of Courtenay, age 94 Obit,
BELAIR, Eva Armande, Mrs. John Welcher of Alexandria, died Cornwall, July 1968 age 76, of Hawkesbury Obit,
BELAIR, Arlyss, died Green Valley, Ont, May. 2001, age 48, husband of Karen Lyng . Obit,
BELLEFEUILLE, Jean Baptiste, Alexandria, death ref GN Sep. 1908 Obit,
BELVEDERE, Michael, died Montreal, Que, June. 2000, age 82, husband of Laurette Gosselin, of Cornwall, Ont. Obit,
BENNETT, pfc Donald Richard Jan. 1945, Holland Obit,
BENNETT, Rita Catherine to Joseph Francis Malloy, mar. June1942 Detroit, Mich Mar,FC,
BENNETT, Mrs. S. P., nee Mary Marcella [Maude] McDonald, died Feb.1970 at Belle River, Ontario Obit,
BERIAULT, Diane, died Riviere-Beaudette, Que, Sep. 2001, wife of Alain samson, age 46. Obit,
BERGER, Kurt A. son of H., Cornwall, mar'd to Velma Jean Ross, Lancaster, Mar. 1956Mar,
BERNIER, Beatrice, nee Cleary, died Cornwall, Ont, Mar. 1999, age 99, wife of late Aurele. Obit,
BERRY, Flora, Char twp mar'd to Paul Renaud Char. twp, June 1900, St. Raphaels Mar,
BETHUNE, Annie , Mrs. Alex. W. McDougald, died Apr. 1942, Montreal, age 76, connections with Williamstown, Ont. Obit,
BETHUNE, Alexander, died May 1900, age 88, at Bracebridge, Ont, from Kenyon Obit,MR,
BETHUNE, Mrs. Angus, nee Louisa MacKenzie, died Apr. 1833, Wawa, Ontario AOI
BETHUNE, Mrs. Donald, nee Catherine McDonald, died Sep.1907 Obit,
BETHUNE, Mary to William McCrimmon. m'd Feb. 1916, Dunvegan Mar,
BETHUNE, Nora, Mrs. Roderick Fraser McRae died at Dalkeith Oct. 1923, age 81, Obit,
BLACK, Mrs. Alexander Black, nee Mary Jane McCrimmon, died Cornwall June 1960, age 80, of Lancaster Obit,GI
BLACK, J. Robert died at Lancaster Mar. 1985, age 76, of Bainsville, hus of Edna Fourney Obit,
BLACKWELL, Kenneth C. m'd to Edna Dingwall Oct. 1916, Lancaster Obit,
BLAKELY, Helen, nee Langman, died Cornwall, Ont, June. 1999, of Williamstown, Ont. age 69, wife of Ross. Obit,
BLAKELY, T. Wilfred, died Cornwall, Ont, Mar. 2000, age 83, husband of Bernadette
Guimond. Obit,
BLANEY, Charles, died Aug.1928, Tayside, Ontario Obit,
BLANEY, Winnifred White to James Henry Scott, mar'd Aug. 1928, of Routhier, Ont Obit,
BLONDIN, Edith Almer to J. Amedee Chevrier, Oct. 1922, Peterboro, Ont Obit,
BOBKA, John, died Cornwall, Dec 1999, age 94, of Montreal, Que. husband of late Elizabeth Obit,
BOFFIN, Clarence died at Cornwall Oct. 1957 from Lancaster Front Obit,GI,
BONNER, Dan to Alice M. Curry, Mar. Sep. 1927, Montreal, Quebec Obit,
Bonar/BONNER, Daniel, died Feb.1931, Lancaster, Ontario Obit,
BONNER, MRS. Daniel, Nee Janet Smith, died Mar. 1901, Montreal, Que. Obit,MR,DR,
BORLAND, Mrs Charles E., nee Stella Martin, died st South Lancaster May 1970 Obit,GI,
BOWIE, Elizabeth, Mrs. Angus Cattanach, died Sep. 1893, Alexandria, Ont Obit,FC,
BOWIE, Bella, Mrs. Francis Roel, died Mar. 1927, Lanc twp. born Huntley, Aberdeen, Scotland Obit, FC,
BRADY, Laurence W. of Lancaster m'd to Irene Veronica Noonan of Sask. June 1920, Montrteal. Que Mar,
BRANCHAUD, Lucille of Montreal, m'd to Wilfred Goulet, Nov, 1944, Montreal, Que. Obit,
BRELSFORD, Reverend Thomas, died North Bay, Ont, May. 2001, age 61, husband of Joanne Brunet. Obit,
BROCK, Alison to Gordon MacCallum, engagement Aug.1928, Vankleek Hill, Ontario Mar,
BRODIE, Anna Bell mar'd to J. A. Jamieson Apr. 1900 at Brodie Mar,
BROGGER, Anthony Francis M'd to Mayme Neithercut, Oct. 1916, Gaylord, Mich Mar,
BROOKS, Suzanne, Mrs. Brian MacDonald died Mar. 1966, Cornwall, Ont. Obit,
BROUCKAERT, Lorraine M., Mrs. William A. Kennedy, died Dec.1992 born DetroitObit,
Brown, Albert E., died St. Jerome, Que. Aug. 2000, of Brownsburg, age 85, Obit,
BROWN/TERRIAH, Jodie Elizabeth, born Cornwall, Ont, Sep 2000, dau of Sarah & Harold . BA,
Brown, Jean P., nee Wilkey, died . Feb. 2001, of Metcalfe age 86, wife of late Theodore L.Obit,
Brown, John Gordon, died Ottawa, Ont. Sep. 1999, of Cornwall, age 74, husband Mary Elizabeth (nee Zuana)Obit,
Brown, Sarah, died Cornwall, Ont. Oct 2001, of Newinbgton, age 19, dau of James & Jo-AnnObit,
BRULE/DANCAUSE, Caelan Alexandra Cancause, born Ottawa, Ont, Nov 2000, dau of Valerie & Paul . BA,
BRUINING-VANDERMEER, Akke (nee VanderVeen), died Morrisburg, Ont, Feb. 2001, age 78, wife of late Henry. Obit,
BRUNET, Pauline dau of Mrs. Ida Dugas. to marry Edwin A. Cline of Maxville, June 1970 at Cornwall Mar,
BUCKNER, Charles, died Cornwall, Ont, July 1999, age 80, husband of Mary Ann Arnott. Obit,
BUICK, Bill Alexander, died Ottawa, Ont, Nov 1999, age 47 of Cornwall, husband of Muriel (Lough). Obit,
BURNS, Jeannine, nee Chabot, died Alexandria, , Oct. 2001, wife of Richard. Obit,
BUTALA, Frank son of F. Devide, Sask , mar'd to Edith Bathia Ross, Kimberley, BC Oct.1948, Kimberley, BC Mar,
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