Glengarry County & Area Book List by Title

This is a list of books that I am aware off which deal in some way with the genealogy, history of the people of Glengarry County & area including items by local groups, authors.

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This page has been visited times since Sep 1 , 1999.

This is a list of books that I am aware off which deal in some way with the genealogy, history of the people of Glengarry County & area including items by local groups, authors.

Should the viewer have any comments, corrections or additions to make concerning this list, they can feel free to contact Contact Us Alex W. Fraser so that this list can be updated from time to time with accurate information.

Alex W. Fraser
June 19, 98, updated 4/12

Another Page from the Files of HH/GGS, Alex W. Fraser, Rhoda Ross


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Title -- date published -- Author -- ISBN # -- HH Cat # -- Category --Location--Notes

  1. 100 YEARS OF SERVICE, -- 1987 Carter-Edwards, Karen 0-9692908-0-2 OLCE-124 history Cornwall History of Cornwall electric
  2. 1001 NAME INDEX OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN CAMERON THE WISE -- 1985 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-1-8 HHCI-008 genealogy
  3. 200 YEARS OF SHARING --1983 committee none OLSW-132 history Williamstown
  4. 25th Anniversary Brigadoons -- 1998 Brigadoons none GMD-035 CD
  5. 50th Anniversary Booklet of the Glengarry Highland Games, -- 1997, sc. 1997 committee none OLSV-207 history Maxville
  6. A Brief Review of the Settlement of Upper Canada, -- 1841 rep 1972 M'Leod, D. none OLUC-148 history Upper Canada,
  7. A CAREY FAMILY HISTORY 1786 - 1988 -- 1988 Carey, Marie M. none OLCF-107 genealogy
  8. A COMPANION TO HISTORY OF HUNTINGDON -- 1987 McGee, Robert 0-9692865-0-3 OLCH-143 history Huntingdon, Que
  9. A GLENGARRY GATHERING -- 1991 The Glengarry Strathspey & Reel Society none GMC-026 Cassette
  10. A History of Chesterville and District 1977 - 1987, -- 1987 Women's Institute. none OLSV-205 history Chesterville A supplement to "The Time That Was" sc, 1988
  11. A History of Harrington and Community, -- c. 1986 1962 rep. 1986 committee none OLHC-188 history Harrington, Que.
  13. A Name and Photo index to the Kennedys - MacDiarmids - McDermids - Munros and other Glengarry Stormont Pioneers -- 1997 Fraser, Alex W. HHKD-062 genealogy
  14. A PHOTO ALBUM OF AVONMORE, -- 1992 Barkley, Murray none OLPA-171 photos Avonmore
  15. A Small Town in Modern Times, -- Alexandria, Ont, 1991 1991 Rayside, David M. 0-7735-0826-0 OLMT-176 sociology/political Alexandria
  16. A Stroll Up Paper Mill Hill -- 1986 committee none OLPM-261 resource booklet Cornwall United Counties Museum
  17. A TIME FOR SMILING -- 1984 about Dawson, Jean Baker none OLTS-050 poems,
  18. A VERY GOOD INNING, -- 1980 Blair, W. R. N., none OLVI-070 biography Kingston, Newington, Ont ofDr. G. L. Cooke
  19. Addenda Title Guide of Local Histories -- 1994 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-60-8 HHAT-050 book list '94 addenda to '92 ed.
  20. Alexandria High School 1894-1954 -- 1981 committee none OAH-263 history Alexandria
  21. ALEXANDRIA YESTERYEAR, -- 1984 Baxter, Carol Graham none OLAY-030 history Alexandria
  22. Right Rev Alexander MacDonell !st Bishop of Upper Canada 1762-1840 1931 by Hugh Joseph Somers. A dissertion.
  23. All This Difference -- 1945 Dumbrille, Dorothy none OLAT-218 fiction
  24. ALL'S FAIR, -- 1976 Mowatt, Ruth Mrs. none OLAF-014 history Williamstown
  25. Any Verb at All at Maxville High School -- 1992 MacInnes, Lachlin none OLMS-174 recollections of school Maxville
  26. APPLE CENTENNIAL -- 1982 MacRae, Ken none GMS-021 single 45
  27. APPLE HILL - 1882 - 1982 -- 1982 Fraser , Isabel & group none OLAH-013 Apple Hill
  28. APPLE HILL AND THE STORY OF ITS BEGINNING -- 1979 Gaudet, Adolphe none OLAB-104 history Apple Hill
  30. Arm of Gold, The -- 1932 Connor, Ralph none OLAG-248 fiction
  31. As Others See Us -- 1959 Fraser, Robert J. none OLSV-269 history Seaway Valley
  32. 2005 Fraser Genealogy update
  33. AT YOUR REQUEST -- 1962 Clansmen none GMP-016 LP Volume 1
  34. At the Crossroads: 50 years of the Glengarry Pioneer Museum: 1962-2012 the Glengarry Historical Society.
  35. ATLAS, BELDENS HISTORICAL, OF STORMONT, DUNDAS & GLENGARRY, -- 1862 - 79, 1879 rep 1972 none OLBA-071 atlas S D G, Prescott historical Atlas
  36. AVONMORE BOOK, -- 1985 Worral, Lilly none OLAV-028 history Avonmore
  37. BARD OF SCOTTISH FIDDLING, THE -- 1964 MacDonald, Little Jack none GMP-019 LP with Viola MacCuaig;
  38. BATHURSTS OF GLENGARRY COUNTY -- 1989 Bathurst, John none OLBG-134 genealogy Glengarry
  39. BECAUSE PEOPLE CAME -- 1975 MacSweyn, Wendy none OLBP-109 history
  40. BECKS CORNERS, -- 1989 Ferguson, Anne none OLBC-020 fiction Vankleek Hill area
  41. BELDENS HISTORICAL ATLAS, OF STORMONT, DUNDAS & GLENGARRY, -- 1862 - 79, 1879 rep 1972 none OLBA-071 atlas S D G, Prescott historical Atlas
  42. Between You and Me, -- 1982 Lavigne, L. G. "Archie" none OLSV-204 sayings/humour
  43. Beyond the Marshes -- 1898 Connor, Ralph none OLBM-223 fiction
  44. Black Rock -- 1898 Connor, Ralph none OLBR-224 fiction
  45. BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH HISTORY 1965-1990 -- 1990 Beaudette, Percy none OLBS-083 history Cornwall
  46. Bowering's Guide to Eastern Ontario, -- 1992 Bowering, Ian 1-55082-051-6 OLBO-167 Guide Eastern Ontario
  47. Braggart In My Step -- 1956 Dumbrille, Dorothy none OLBM-221 historical Glengarry More stories of Glengarry
  48. BREADALBANE BAPTIST CHURCH HISTORY 1816 - 1991 -- 1991 committee none OLBB-138 history Breadalbane
  49. Breaking the Record -- 1904 Connor, Ralph none OLRE-230 fiction
  50. BRIDGING THE GAP -- 1988 - 1989 McDonald, Thelma/Alex W. Fraser 0-921307-38-1 HHBG-034 VOL 1 & 2
  51. BRIDGING THE GAP -- 1991 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-42-X HHBG-040 newlstter VOL 3 #1-6 -VOL 4 # 1-4,
  52. BRIDGING THE GAP -- 1993 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-54-3 HHBG-042 genealogy VOL 5 #1-5-VOL 6 # 1-5,
  53. BRIDGING THE GAP, -- WITH 1994 HH/GGS INFORMATION KIT 1994 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-58-6 HHBG-044 genealogy VOLUME 7 # 1-4,
  54. BRIGADOONS -- 1977 Brigadoons none GMP-007 LP
  55. Brigadoons -- 1996 Brigadoons none GMC-037 Cassette Set 1
  56. Brigadoons -- 1996 Brigadoons none GMC-038 Cassette Set 2
  57. BRIGADOONS, THE -- 1989 Brigadoons none GMP-012 LP
  58. BRIGADOONS, THE -- 1991 Brigadoons none GMC-013 Cassette
  59. Burials in Zion Church -- 1980's Fraser, Alex W. HHZD-056 death records Dundee, Quebec
  60. BUTTERNUTS AND MAPLE SUGAR, -- 1982 MacMillan, Elsie, Mrs. none OLBM-056 history/genealogy
  61. CAMERONS,THE -- a history of Clan Cameron 1981reprint. 1974 rep 1981 Stewart, John none OSCL-009 history Scotland
  62. Campbells and other Glengarry Stormont and Harrington Pioners, -- 1983 Campbell, Robert B none OLSV-203 genealogy Glengarry, Stormont
  63. CANADIAN CELTIC -- 1976 Brigadoons none GMP-006 LP
  64. CANADIAN GLEN FALLOCH MURRAYS,THE -- 1987 Murray, Marland none OLMM-054 genealogy
  65. CANADIAN HAY CROP 1815 - 1983, THE -- 1983 committee none OLCH-108 history
  66. Carleton Sage by Harry & Olive Walker 1968
  67. CELTICA BY CELTICA -- 1993 Celtica none GMC-029 Cassette
  68. CENT MILLE BIENVENUES, -- 1990 Villeneuve, Rev Rudolphe none OLCM-131 history Alexandria - Cornwall see also OLAC-091
  69. Centenaire de Saint Telesphore de Montjoie en Nouvelle-Longueil 1876 - 1976 -- 1976 committee none OLST-156 history St. Telesphore, Que.
  70. CHALKDUST IN MY BLOOD -- 1975 rep. 1984 Morgan, Dorothy 0-919806-03-1 OLCD-096 biography Cornwall, Prescott, Russell
  71. Charles Edgar, lot 24 3rd Lancaster Family History 1772 - 1995 -- 1995 Ross, Rhoda/Fraser, Alex W. HHCE-055 genealogy
  72. CHARLOTTENBURGH FRONT 1784-1984, -- 1984 McLean, Barb Leslie none OLCF-008 history Charlottenburgh Front
  73. CHATEAUGAU, N.Y AND WAR OF 1812, -- 1984 Bilow, John A. none OLCW-141 history CHATEAUGAU, N.Y
  74. CHIEF IS A LADY, THE -- 1980 William F. Rannie none OLCL-068 history Frasers ofPhilorth
  75. City Work at Country Prices -- 1977 Harper, Jennifer 0-19-540275-8 OLWP-259 pictorical Alexandria, Ontario
  76. CLAN DONALD -- 1978 MacDonald, Donald J. 0-904265-21-8 OSDG-010 history Scotland
  77. CLAN DONALD MAGAZINE, THE -- 1980's various ?? OSCD-008 NO. 11, Scotland
  78. CLAN MACRAE,THE -- A CANADIAN CEILIDH, 1977 Paradis, Norma L. none OLCC-066 history
  79. Clan Ranald of Knoydart & Glengarry, The -- 1979 MacDonald, Norman H. none OSRK-012 history Scotland
  80. CORNWALL FROM ROYAL TOWNSHIP TO INDUSTRIAL CITY, 1784 - 1984 -- 1983 Senior, Elinor 0-919303-74-9 OLCT-027 history Cornwall
  81. Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police 1912 -- Connor, Ralph none OLCC-238 fiction
  82. COTE ST. GEORGE. CHURCH RECORDS { NOT COMPLETE} BAPTISMS MARRIAGES,1843 - 1874, 1883. 1990, GRAVESTONE INSCRIPTIONS, MCNAUGHTAN PRIVATE CEMETERY. -- 1991 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-26-8 HHCG-028 church records/gravestone Inscriptions
  83. Coteau du Lac -- 1982 Cadieux, Michel none OLCL-273 history Coteau du Lac text french
  84. Counties of Ontario, The -- 1913 Weaver, Emily P. none OLCO-271 history Ontario
  85. Dalkeith Bicentennial Heritage Booklet 2011
  86. Dalkeith Bicentennial Heritage Cookbook 2011
  87. DASHNEY FAMILY, THE -- 1991 Nolte, Mrs. Agnes none OLDF-122 genealogy
  88. Date on Existing Cemeteries SDG affected by Seaway -- 1956 Smart, James A. none OLLC-257 history Dundas, Stormont
  89. David Thompson the epic Expeditions of a Great Canadian Explorer by Graeme Pole 2003 ISBN 1551539721, SC.
  90. Dawn of Galilee -- 1909 Connor, Ralph none OLDG-254 biblical
  91. Days Into Decades, -- 1995 Grant, Lois none OLDD-196 genealogy/history
  92. DEAR MEG, -- 1990 Lightbrown., Elthea none OLDM-092 about MacCuaigs,
  93. Dedication of the New St. Raphaels Parish Church and Centre -- 1973 committee none OLSR-185 Souvenir booklet St. Raphaels July 8th 1973,
  94. Deep Doorways -- 1941 Dumbrille, Dorothy none OLDD-217 history Canada a story of Life in Canada Between two wars
  95. The Descendants of Angus, John and Donald Cameron
  96. Descendants of John Ryan & Maurice Shane 1817 - 1996, -- The 1996 Ryan, Pauline S. 453706 OLSV-202 genealogy/history Prescott County hc., Editor Pauline S. Ryan
  97. Descendants of Malcolm MacGillivray and Margery MacNab, -- 1960's MacMillan, D. D. none OLMM-159 genealogy
  98. Devon Connection Newsletter , The -- 1996 Ross, Rhoda HHDC-061 genealogy Vol. 1 #-1to 3
  99. Dewar's of Glengarry Ontario, MacLoers of Galder Glenelg, The, A Genealogy Study of the -- 1994 Dewar, Donald Keith none OLDG-184 history/genealogy Glengarry
  100. Doctor, The -- 1906 Connor, Ralph none OLDR-235 fiction
  101. Doctors In SDG Counties 1784-1900 -- 1997 Symington, Ann none OLDR-287 history S D G
  102. DONALD FRASER - PETER MACINTOSH FAMILY TREE CHARTS. -- 1991 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-48-9 HHFM-026 genealogy
  103. Draft the Gaels, -- 1991 MacInnes, Lachlin none OLDG-173 hockey & Gaelic
  104. DREAMING OF HOME -- 1989 McDonell, Hughie none GMC-022 Cassette
  105. Dundas or a Sketch of Canadian History, -- 1861 rep 1972 Croil, James 0-919302-48-3 OLDH-147 history Dundas
  106. DUNDAS, THE STORY OF -- 1905 rep. 1973 Carter, J. Smyth none OLSD-080 history Dundas County
  107. EAST HAWKESBURY UNITED CHURCH 1865 - 1990 Bless the Lord O My Soul -- 1990 Fraser, Isabel none OLEH-089 history Ste Anne de Prescott
  108. FACT FAITH AND FANTASY, -- 1980's Dawson, Jean Baker none OLFF-048 poems,
  109. FAIRY FOLK, -- 1970's Grant, Rhodes none OLFF-097 stories for children
  110. Faith Is Our Strength. -- The Story of St. Columban's Parish 1829 - 1993 Cornwall, Ont. 19934 Fobert, Roland Clarence 0-9696605-0-1 OLCP-189 history Cornwall
  111. FAMILY GENEALOGIES -- APR 84 - MAR 86, Fraser, Alex W. 0227-0994 HHFG-024 genealogy ISSUE 3-4,
  112. FAMILY GENEALOGIES, -- 1981-86, Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-22-5 HHFG-007 genealogy # 1-4,
  113. FAMILY LINKAGE. A GENEALOGICAL GUIDE TO GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY , -- 199_?, Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-28-4 HHFL-029 genealogy VOLUME 3 update. see gravestones of Glengarry Vol.3
  114. FATHER JOHN'S DIARY, 1819 - 1866, -- 1992 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-52-7 HHFJ-036 diary/genealogy
  115. Foreigner, The -- 1909 Connor, Ralph none OLFE-237 fiction
  116. FOUNDING MACPHEES, THE -- 199? McPhee, Rudd /Fraser, Alex W. not published HHFP-041
  117. Fournier 1867 - 1992 -- 1992 Parker, Neil none OLFB-168 history Fournier
  118. Fresh Wind Blowing -- 1947 Campbell, Grace none OLFW-215 fiction
  119. Friendly Four and Other Stories, The -- 1926 Connor, Ralph none OLFF-245 fiction
  120. FRIENDLY TOWN THAT GREW, THE -- 1978 Merkley, Eileen none OLTG-053 story Cornwall
  121. FROM FIELDSTONE TO FIRESIDE -- C1980 Morris Family none GMP-014 LP
  122. FROM FIELDSTONE TO FIRESIDE -- C1980 Morris Family none GMC-015 Cassette
  123. From Lachine to Grand portage -- 1993 Bowering, Ian none OLLP-286 history Cornwall The N.W. Indian Trade
  124. Gaspards of Pine Croft -- 1923 Connor, Ralph none OLGP-243 fiction
  125. Gathered to Celebrate -- 1998 Beaudette, Nancy none OLNB-210 songs for liturgy Cornwall made up for Blessed Sacrament Parish, Cornwall
  126. Gay Crusader, The -- 1936 Connor, Ralph none OLCU-252 fiction
  127. GHS 15TH ANNUAL VOLUME 1976, AND YEARBOOK OF 1975 ACTIVITIES, -- 1976 Various none OLAV-064 articles
  128. Girl From Glengarry, The -- 1933 Connor, Ralph none OLGG-249 fiction Glengarry
  129. GLEN - ANN - LIFE NAME INDEX 1961 - 1995, The -- 1995 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-68-3 HHGA-054 index
  130. GLEN SANDFIELD UNITED CHURCH, A SHORT HISTORY, 1880 - 1975 -- 1975 Fraser, C. C. none OLSU-115 history Glen Sandfield
  131. GLENGARRY 77, -- 1977 GLENGARRY CLUB OF OTTAWA none GMP-004 2LPS,
  133. GLENGARRY AND WESTERN GAELIC, -- 1984 MacInnes, Lauchlin none OLGW-024 Gaelic & English sayings Glengarry
  134. Glengarry Bibliography, The -- 1996 MacGillivray, Royce ISBN 0-9680711-0-4 OLGB-195 Bibliography Glengarry
  135. Dictionary of Glengarry Biography 2010 by Royce MacGillivray ISBN 978-0-9680711-2-0
  136. GLENGARRY FIDDLE -- 1987 Trottier, Kelli none GMC-027 Cassette
  137. GLENGARRY FIDDLE, -- 1987 Trottier, Kelli none GMP-001 LP Glengarry Gaelic Choir, The 1997 Gaelic Choir none GMC-036 Cassette
  138. GLENGARRY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, THE -- 1975-79, Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-10-1 HHGN-001 NEWSLETTER VOL. 1 to 5#1-2,
  139. GLENGARRY HIGHLAND GAMES VIDEO, 1993 -- 1993 Highland Games none GMV-032 video
  140. GLENGARRY LIFE 1987, -- 1987 various none OLGL-079 articles ST ANDREW'S WILLIAMSTOWN
  141. GLENGARRY LIFE 1989, -- 1989 Various none OLGL-031 annual Glengarry, PIPES & SHAWL
  142. GLENGARRY LIFE 1990, -- 1990 various none OLGL-082 articles MACMILLAN HOUSE
  143. Glengarry Life 1995 -- 1995 various none OLGL-194 articles #34, Alexandria Garry Theatre add on cover; Apparently this is the last Glengarry Life published by the GHS
  144. GLENGARRY LIFE 1977, -- 1977 various none OLGL-119 articles St. Raphaels Ruins.
  145. GLENGARRY LIFE 1978, -- 1978 various none OLGL-098 articles GRIST MILL
  146. GLENGARRY LIFE 1980, -- 1980 Various none OLGL-059 articles KENYON TWP, ATHOL SCHOOL,
  147. GLENGARRY LIFE 1981, -- 1981 Various none OLGL-060 articles CORNWALL, INVERARDEN COTTAGE,
  148. GLENGARRY LIFE 1982, -- 1982 Various none OLGL-063 articles APPLE HILL , BLACKSMITH SHOP,
  149. GLENGARRY LIFE 1983, -- 1983 Various none OLGL-061 articles ST ELMO CHURCH
  150. Glengarry Life 1985 -- 1985 various none OLGL-198 articles Dunvegan Dunvegan Museum Window Reflection on cover
  151. GLENGARRY LIFE 1986, -- 1986 various none OLGL-078 articles D. A. MACDONALD LETTER
  152. Glengarry Life 1988 -- 1988 various none OLGL-199 articles Williamstown, Ontario Sketch The Bethune-Thompson House on cover
  153. GLENGARRY LIFE 1991 -- 1991 various none OLGL-118 articles
  154. Glengarry Life 1992 -- 1992 various none OLGL-166 articles
  155. Glengarry life 1993, -- 1993 various none OLGL-177 articles Martintown Burn Brae Cheese Factory,
  156. Glengarry Life 1994 -- 1994 various none OLGL-190 articles Munroes Mills
  157. Glengarry Life 1996 -- 1996 various none OLGL-197 articles #35, apparently not issued
  158. Glengarry Life 1997 -- #36
  159. Glengarry Life 2003 -- #37
  160. Glengarry Life 2005 -- #38
  161. THE GLEN - ANN - LIFE INDEX 1961-1996
  162. GLENGARRY MY HOME, -- 1986 circa Brigadoons none GMC-010 Cassette
  163. GLENGARRY PIPE BAND and MCMARTIN FIDDLE, THE -- 1994 McMartin Fiddle none GMC-030 Cassette
  164. GLENGARRY PIPE BAND, THE -- 1988 Pipe Band none GMC-003 Cassette
  165. Glengarry School Days -- 1902 Connor, Ralph none OLGS-229 fiction Glengarry
  166. GLENGARRY SCHOOL OF PIPING AND DRUMMING, THE -- 1992 MacPhee, Sybil, etc none OLSP-170 history Glengarry, a history,
  167. GLENGARRY STORMONT OBITS. -- 1994 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-56-X HHAO-043 genealogy Vol. 1,
  168. GLENGARRY STORMONT OBITS. -- 1995 Fraser, Alex W. /Rhoda Ross 0-921307-66-7 HHGS-053 genealogy Vol. 2,
  169. Glengarry Telephone Co. ltd., A Souvenir of the 199 by Basil McDormick
  170. GLENGARRY; ATLAS, BELDENS HISTORICAL, OF STORMONT, DUNDAS , 1862 - 79, -- 1879 rep 1972 none OLBA-071 atlas S D G, Prescott historical Atlas
  171. Glengarry, My New Home, Immigration to Glengarry County 1945 - 2012, SC, ISBN9780986938511, 385 p., various authors
  172. GLIMPSES, GLANCES, SIDESWIPES OF DICKENSON LANDING, -- 1982 O'Dette, Leonard none OLDL-127 history Dickenson Landing
  173. GOD IS CRAZY, HE MADE ME. -- 1986 Winton, Winnie 0-921307-04-2 HHGC-018 poetry
  174. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY, V11 2013 Kenyon Township ISBN 9780921307815 930 p
  175. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY, V10 2013 Martintown - Apple Hill ISBN 9780921307815
  176. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY, V9 2013 Summerstown - Glen Walter Fraser, Alex W. -- ISBN 978021307815
  177. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY -- volume 8 Dalhousie - Glen Nevis 2011 ISBN 9780921307532 176 p
  178. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY -- volume 7 Lochiel-Dalkeith-Glen Robertson 2011 ISBN 9780921307518 160 p
  179. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY -- volume 6 Breadalbane 2011 ISBN 9780921307617 205 p
  180. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY -- volume 5 Kirk Hill 2011 ISBN 9780921307983 245 p.
  181. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY -- Volume 4 Alexandria 2005 ISBN 9780921307273 320 p
  182. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY -- Volume 3 St Raphael's - Green Valley Family Linkages - the basics updated
  183. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY -- 1988 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-02-0 HHGR-025 gravestone Inscriptions VOLUME 3 THE BASICS.
  184. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY, -- 1978 Fraser, Alex W. 0-919303-25-0 HHGB-004 gravestone Inscriptions VOL.2, SOUTH LANCASTER TO BAINSVILLE,
  185. GRAVESTONES OF GLENGARRY, -- 1976 Fraser, Alex W. 0-919303-08-0 HHGG-002 gravestone Inscriptions VOL.1, WILLIAMSTOWN,
  186. GRAVESTONES OF PRESCOTT COUNTY volume 2 Ste Anne de Prescott
  187. GRAVESTONES OF PRESCOTT COUNTY -- 1985 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-3-4 HHGP-009 gravestone Inscriptions VOLUME 1,
  188. GRAVESTONES OF STORMONT, -- 1985 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-2-6 HHGS-010 gravestone Inscriptions VOLUME 1, CITY OF CORNWALL,
  189. Grenville 1876 - 1976 -- 1976 committee none OLGR-161 history Grenville, Que.
  190. GRIER OF SAN FRANCISCO 1878 - 1988 -- 1989 Grier, William M. 0-9623268-0-1 OLGF-137 genealogy/history San Francisco
  191. GRIERS, THE -- - Pioneers in America and Canada 1816-1991 by 1991 Grier, William. M. 0-9623268-1-X OLGP-165 genealogy/history Canada, USA
  192. "A Guide to Tracing your Ancestors in Dundas County, Ontario" by Jack Schecter.
  193. Gwen -- 1904 Connor, Ralph none OLGW-231 fiction
  194. Gwen's Canyon -- 1898 Connor, Ralph none OLGC-225 fiction
  195. Hallowed Walls -- 1975 MacRae, Marion/Adamson, Anthony 0-7720-1029-4 OLHW-260 Church architecture Upper Canada including Glengarry
  196. HAY CROP, THE CANADIAN 1815 - 1983 -- 1983 committee none OLCH-108 history
  197. He Dwelt Among Us -- 1936 Connor, Ralph none OLDA-253 biblical
  198. HEPHZIBAH CHURCH BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES 1899 - 1911 & NAME INDEX , THE -- 1986 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-8-5 HHHC-012 church records WILLIAMSTOWN, ONTARIO
  199. HERITAGE HIGHLIGHTS OF CORNWALL TOWNSHIP. -- 1985 committee none OLHH-039 history Cornwall township
  200. Higher Hill , The -- 1944 Campbell, Grace none OLHH-212 historical fiction
  201. Highland Heritage -- 1962 Campbell, Grace none OLHD-214 historical hc, with dust jacket, first printing 1962 printed in Great Britain by Collins Clear-Type Press, reprinted 1967
  202. HIGHLAND HERITAGE -- 1991 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-36-5 HHHP-039 newlstter VOL 4 #1-4,
  203. HIGHLAND HERITAGE, -- 1979 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-18-7 HHHP-003 NEWSLETTER VOL.1#1-5,
  204. HIGHLAND HERITAGE, -- 1980 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-16-0 HHHP-005 NEWSLETTER VOL.2#1-4,
  205. HIGHLAND HERITAGE, -- 1983 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-20-9 HHHP-006 NEWSLETTER VOL.3#1-4,
  206. HIGHLAND HERITAGE, -- MAY 84 - JUN. 86 Fraser, Alex W. 0707-2554 HHHP-023 newsletter VOL. 3 #4,
  207. HIGHLAND HERITAGE, -- NOV. 87. Fraser, Alex W. 0707-2554 HHHP-022 newsletter VOL. 4 # 1-2,
  208. HIGHLAND HERITAGE, -- OCT. 89, Fraser, Alex W. 0707-2554 HHHP-033 newlstter VOL. 4 #3 - 4,
  209. Highland Paths, Tales of Glengarry Vol.1 by Kenneth J McKenna 1997
  210. Highland Paths, Tales of Glengarry Vol.2 by Kenneth J McKenna 2000
  211. Historical Memories: A Collection of Newsletters. --- 2006 Cornwall Township Historical Society
  212. Historical Review of Winchester Ont. -- 1934 1934 Workman, W. F. none OLWR-186 history Winchester
  213. Historical Review of Winchester Township -- 1967 committee none OLHW-187 history Winchester
  214. Historical sketch of Kenyon Presbyterian Church, Dunvegan -- 2nd edition 1940 rep 1993 MacMillan Rev. Donald N. none OLHK-178 history Dunvegan
  215. History of Cardinal -- 1967 Byers, F. B. none OLCO-283 history Cardinal
  216. HISTORY OF GLENGARRY, A 1979 MacGillivray, Royce/Ross, Ewan 0-919303-32-3 OLHG-004 history Glengarry
  217. HISTORY OF HUNTINGDON AND THE SEIGNIORIES OF BEAUHARNOIS AND CHATEAUGUAY 1888 rep 1975 Sellars, Robert none OLHH-142 history Huntingdon, Que
  218. History of Maxville & The Community -- 1967 Women's Institute none OLMC-256 history Maxville
  220. History of The MacLennans, The -- 1978 MacLennan, Ranald G. none OSML-011 history Scotland
  221. Hold Fast, The story of William & Catherine McLeod by Ruth McLeod McKendry 1998
  222. HONOUR ROLL OF WORLD WAR 11, ST COLUMBA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH KIRK HILL, THE -- 1988 MacMaster, Marion, Mrs. none OLHR-012 history Kirk Hill
  223. Hooples of Hoople's Creek -- 1967 Hoople, Elizabeth L. none OLHC-284 genealogy/history Hoople's Creek
  224. HOUSE OF ONTARIO, -- 1983 MacGillivray, Royce 0-920474-31-4 OLHO-022 humour Ontario
  226. I BELIEVE 1983 -- Beaudette, Nancy none GMP-020 LP
  227. I REMEMBER GLENGARRY, -- 1978 Gosse, Rose Gourlay none OLRG-036 stories Glengarry
  228. I'M A NEWFIE AND THAT'S NO JOKE -- 1990 R. E. Gosse none OLNJ-034 story
  229. In My Mother's Footsteps, Memories of Smithville -- 1996 Donihee, Dorothy none OLSV-200 history Cornwall [West end of Cornwall, near Domtar]
  231. INVERARDEN COLLECTION, Selections Circa 1790, 1850, THE -- 1984? Bowering, Ian none OLCS-136 history Cornwall
  232. INVERARDEN REGENCY COTTAGE MUSEUM 1816 - 1984 -- 1984 Bowering, Ian none OLIC-135 history Cornwall
  233. Iroquois High School 1845-1895 -- 1896 Harkness, Adam none OLIH-280 history Iroquois
  234. IT CAME FROM THE HEART, -- ( A SCOT FROM GLENGARRY ) A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE EWAN ROSS 1922 - 1987; 1988 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-24-1 HHER-027 tribute
  235. JAMES MCNALLY,THE REV. , PARTIAL CHURCH REGISTERS, 1836 -1865, BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, -- 1995 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-46-2 HHJN-038 church records
  236. JOHN CAMERON THE WISE, 1001 NAME INDEX OF THE DESCENDANTS OF 1985 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-1-8 HHCI-008 genealogy
  237. John Sandfield Macdonald, -- 1971 Hodgins, Bruce W. 0-8020-3248-6 OLJS-152 history
  238. JOHN STRACHAN, -- 1976 rep. 1984 Phelps, Dorothy J. none OLJS-095 biography Cornwall
  239. JONAS WOOD UEL, -- 1984 Hoople, Elizabeth none OLJW-023 genealogy/history Cornwall
  240. JOYFUL IS OUR PRAISE, -- 1984 Patterson, William A. 0-9691786-0-3 OLJP-018 history Cornwall
  241. Kellie Trottier -- 1996 June Trottier, Kelli none GMC-033 Cassette #HD4-1811,
  242. Kellie Trottier -- 1996 June Trottier, Kelli none GMD-034 CD
  243. KENNEDY FAMILY REUNION 1991, Kennedy Family -- 1991 Kennedy, Pat none OLKR-164 history/genealogy
  244. KENNEDYS-MACDERMIDS-MCDERMIDS-MUNROS AND OTHER GLENGARRY STORMONT PIONEERS , THE -- 1986 Campbell, Robert B. /Douglas MacDermid 0-919303-99-4 OLKM-001 genealogy
  245. KENYON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY "100 YEARS" --1989 Committee 0-9693873-0-X OLKA-029 history Maxville
  246. KING'S ROYAL REGIMENT OF NEW YORK. -- 1931 rep 1984 Cruikahank/Watt none OLKR-038 history REPRINT,
  247. KIRK IN GLENGARRY, -- 1984 MacMillan, Donald N., Rev. none OLKG-019 history Glengarry
  248. Knox United Church 1846 - 1975 -- 1975 Cameron, Brian none OLKU-162 history Cornwall
  249. Knox United Church BMD 1877 -1978 Lancaster, Ontario
  250. LADS FROM GLENGARRY, THE -- 1989 Brigadoons none GMC-011 Cassette
  251. LANCASTER TOWNSHIP AND VILLAGE - H C, -- 1980 Ros, Ewan none OLLT-065 history Lancaster hard and soft cover
  252. LANCASTER TOWNSHIP AND VILLAGE - S C, -- 1980 Ross, Ewan none OLLT-017 history Lancaster
  253. LAND GRANTS & PETITIONS FOR GLENGARRY & STORMONT A finding aid, 1996, ISBN 0921133936, by Duncan 'Darby' MacDonald
  254. LAND OF PLENTY, THE -- 1967 MacMillan, D. D. none OLLP-146 history Plenty
  255. Last Word with publication list, The -- 1996 Fraser, Alex W. HHLW-057 outline
  256. Letters & Journals of Simon Fraser 1806-1808, --The 1960 Lamb. W. Kaye none OLSF-270 Journal BC, Stormont,
  257. Life of James Robertson, The -- 1908 Connor, Ralph none OLJR-236 biography
  258. LOCH GARRY BREEZES, -- Celtic Fiddle Favourites 1988 MacPhail, Allan none GMP-018 LP ALLAN MACPHAIL & FAMILY
  259. Lochaber Emigrants to Glengarry, The -- 1994, Nov. Fleming, Rae 0-920474-96-9 OLEG-192 Hugh P MacMillan, history , Glengarry
  260. LOCHINVAR TO SKYE 1794 - 1987 -- 1987 MacLeod, Donaldson, Madeleine McCrimmon none OLSC-032 history Glengarry, 1ST EDITION
  261. LOCHINVAR TO SKYE 1794 - 1987 -- 1987 McCrimmon Madeleine, Donaldson MacLeod none OLSC-073 history Glengarry/Prescott 2ND EDITION
  262. Lochinvar to Skye addenda -- 1989 MacLeod, Donaldson none OLLA-175 addenda
  263. LOYALIST LINAGES OF CANADA -- 1984 Toronto UEL Br 0-920830-24-2 OLLL-145 history/genealogy vol 1
  264. LOYALISTS IN ONTARIO, THE -- 1973 Reid, William D. none OLLT-057 lists
  265. LOYALISTS OF THE EASTERN TOWNSHIPS OF QUEBEC, THE -- 1984 committee none OLET-116 history Eastern Townships
  266. LUNENBURG OR THE OLD EASTERN DISTRICT, -- 1890, rep. 1980 Pringle, Jacob F. none OLPL-055 history Lunenburg, S D G
  267. M. W. Locke The famous Foot Doctor of Williamsburg, Ontario. -- 1993 Jackson, MD, Robert 0-9697335-0-X OLML-182 biography Williamsburg
  268. My MacDonalds of Loup, Lundie, Fraser line connections on CD V.4 December 2012 on CD, ISBN 9780921307631 20,000 name entries, printed out 3500 p
  269. MACDOUGALLS, MACEWENS, STEWARTS, MUNROES, ROBERTSONS AND OTHER RELATED -- 1990 Tannis/Campbell/Stewart 0-9691379-1-5 OLSR-088 genealogy
  270. MACEWENS, STEWARTS, MACDOUGALLS, MUNROES, ROBERTSONS AND OTHER RELATED -- 1990 Campbell/Tannis/Stewart 0-9691379-1-5 OLSR-088 genealogy
  271. MacGregors Kith & Kin 2008 Donna Templeton, Jean Furcall, ISBN 978-09736085-1-9
  272. MACKENZIES OF THE RIVER RAISIN 1774 - 1974 -- 1978 MacKenzie, J. G. none OLMR-130 history/genealogy Williamstown area
  273. MACLEODS OF DRYNOCK ( SCOTLAND ) and GLENGARRY ONTARIO 1600 - 1988. -- 1988 MacLeod, Donald A. none OLLG-037 genealogy Scotland, Glengarry
  274. MACLEODS OF GLENGARRY 1793 - 1971, THE -- 1972 committee none OLMG-002 genealogy THE GENEALOGY OF A CLAN.,
  275. MACLEODS OF GLENGARRY 1793 - 1993, THE -- 1993 committee 0-9697345 OLML-180 genealogy Glengarry update of 1973 edition
  276. MacLoers of Galder Glenelg, The, A Genealogy Study of the Dewar's of Glengarry Ontario -- 1994 Dewar, Donald Keith none OLDG-184 history/genealogy Glengarry
  277. Maitland, Seaway Village -- 1967 Gray, Lillian Collier none OLMV-282 history Maitland
  278. Major, The -- 1917 Connor, Ralph none OLMJ-240 fiction
  279. Man from Glengarry -- 1901 Connor, Ralph none OLGM-228 fiction Glengarry
  280. MARCH PAST, -- 1979 Lord Lovat 0-297-77456-5 OLMP-067 War memories
  281. Mariages Du Comte De Soulanges -- 1977 Houle, Hubert A. none OLMS-266 records Soulanges
  282. MARTINTOWN, THE HORSE & BUGGY DAYS OF 1900 - 1940 -- 1976 Grant, Rhodes none OLHB-125 history Martintown
  283. MARTINTOWN, THE STORY OF -- 1974 Grant, Rhodes none OLSM-006 history Martintown
  284. MasterTable of Contents for Glengarry Stormont Obits -- 1997 Fraser, Alex W. none HHMO-060 index
  285. MAXVILLE CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1891 - 1991 -- 1991 committee none OLMC-117 history/genealogy Maxville hard cover
  286. MAXVILLE CENTENNIAL HISTORY 1891 - 1991, -- 1991 committee none OLMS-129 genealogy/history Maxville soft cover
  287. MCCORMICKS OF GLENGARRY H C -- 1984 McDonald, Thelma, Mrs. Mary Devine, Mrs. 0-919301-73-8 OLMC-040 genealogy Glengarry
  288. MCCORMICKS OF GLENGARRY S.C. -- 1984 McDonald, Thelma /Mrs. Mary Devine, Mrs. 0-919301-71-1 OLMC-016 genealogy Glengarry
  289. MCCUAIGS OF BAINSVILLE, -- 1984 McCuaig, Donald W. none OLCB-005 genealogy Bainsville area
  290. Medicine Maid -- 1977 Hoople, E. L. 0-919303-17-X OLMM-262 history Stormont County
  291. McNaughtons of Glengarry A - D Volume 1 2008 ISBN 978-0-921307-31-0
  292. McNaughtons of Glengarry E - L Volume 2 2008 ISBN 9780921307350
  293. McNaughtons of Glengarry M - W Volume 3 2008 ISBN 9870921307372
  294. McNaughtons of Glengarry name index Volume 4 2008 ISBN 9780921307334 total vol 1-4 1600 p
  295. Memories of CCVS -- 1981 various none OLVS-258 history Cornwall 175th anniversary
  296. MEMORIES OF NEWINGTON AND HISTORY OF STORMONT COUNTY FAIR -- 1987 committee none OLMN-081 history Newington, Ontario
  297. MEMORIES OF STUDENTS AND STAFF, WILLIAMSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL 1900-1954 & CHARLOTTENBURGH-LANCASTER DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 1954-1994 -- 1994 various none OLCW-183 history/biography Williamstown
  298. METHODIST CHURCH BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES 1878 - 1903, & NAME INDEX, THE -- 1986 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-9-3 HHMC-011 church records LANCASTER, ONTARIO
  299. Michael McGrath, Postmaster -- 1900 Connor, Ralph none OLMG-227 fiction
  300. Mind of Ontario, The -- 1985 MacGillivray 0-919303-95-1 OLMO-172 outline Ontario
  301. MONKLAND & DISTRICT, REFLECTIONS ON -- 1985 committee 0-920667-06-6 OLHM-042 HISTORY MONKLAND
  302. MORE FROM GLENGARRY -- 1988 Trottier, Kelli none GMC-028 Cassette
  303. MORE FROM GLENGARRY -- 1988 Trottier, Kelli none GMP-002 LP
  304. MORE OF WINNIE. -- 1991 Winton, Winnie 0-921307-32-2 HHMW-031 poetry
  305. MUNROES, MACEWENS, STEWARTS, MACDOUGALLS, ROBERTSONS AND OTHER RELATED -- 1990 Stewart/Campbell/Tannis 0-9691379-1-5 OLSR-088 genealogy
  306. MURRAYS, THE CANADIAN GLEN FALLOCH -- 1987 Murray, Marland none OLMM-054 genealogy
  307. My Devon Connection RE-Westlake Family history -- Ross, Rhoda HHJW-058 genealogy
  308. MY MEMORIES -VILLAGE OF LANCASTER 1887 - 1987, -- 1987 Menard, Oscar none OLVL-043 memories/history Lancaster
  309. MY MEMORIES OF STORMONT AND DUNDAS -- 1981 Scott, Margaret 0-919806-20-1 OLMD-099 memories S D G
  310. Name Index to Lunenburgh or the Old Eastern District, --1975, Lyall Manson 1975 Manson, Lyall none OLIL-163 index Eastern District
  311. NEW QUERIST, THE -- 1983 MacGillivray, Royce none OLTQ-021 sayings
  312. NEWINGTON OSNABRUCK STORMONT COUNTY 1826-1987. HISTORY & HEARSAY -- 1989 Webber, Annie E. none OLNV-090 history Newington, Ontario
  313. NEWINGTON, MEMORIES OF, AND HISTORY OF STORMONT COUNTY FAIR -- 1987 committee none OLMN-081 history Newington, Ontario
  314. The Mind of Norman Bethune bu Roderick Stewart 1990
  316. OLD UNITED EMPIRE LOYALIST LIST, THE -- 1885 rep 1984 0-8063-0331-X OLUL-144 list
  317. Ontarian Families -- 1894 rep 1972 Chadwick, Edward Marion 0-919303-32-7 OLSV-201 genealogy/history vol.1, Ontario reprinted by Mika 1972,hc., with references to Glengarry
  319. OUR HERITAGE -A HISTORY OF OLD ST ANDREW'S THE STONE CHURCH AT MARTINTOWN, -- 1966, rep 1984 MacIntosh, Jean McCuaig none OLMA-046 history Martintown
  320. Our Parish St. Joseph's -- 1995 committee none OJL-265 pictorical Lancaster
  321. Our Parish St. Lawrence -- 1995 committee none OLC-264 pictorical Curry Hill
  322. OUR ROXBOROUGH CONNECTIONS, 1989 Montgomery, Dr. David none OLRC-075 genealogy Roxborough twp., Stormont County, hc
  323. OUR ROXBOROUGH CONNECTIONS Index -- 1989 Montgomery, Dr. David none OLRC-077 genealogy index Roxborough twp., Stormont County
  324. Over the Fence 1997, SC, 130 p, ISBN 0969582412 on farm life Franklin, Velma, Mrs. --
  325. PAPA WAS A PREACHER -- 1990 Gosse, Rose Gourlay none OLPP-033 story
  326. Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail, The -- 1914 Connor, Ralph none OLDT-239 fiction
  327. People of Glengarry, Highlanders in Transition 1745 - 1815, The -- 1991 McLean, Marianne 0-7735-0814-7 OLPG-154 history Glengarry
  328. Pilot at Swan Creek, The -- 1905 Connor, Ralph none OLPS-234 fiction
  329. Plantagenet 1877 - 1977 -- 1977 ?? ?? OLSV-209 history
  330. POSTSCRIPT TO ADVENTURE -- 1938 rep.1975 Gordon, Charles 0-7710-2228-X OLPA-100 biography
  331. Prospector, The -- 1904 Connor, Ralph none OLPP-232 fiction
  332. QUERY SUPPLEMENT -- SEE: BRIDGING THE GAP 1988 - 1989, 1988 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-38-1 HHBG-034 queries VOL 1 & 2
  333. QUERY SUPPLEMENT, -- 1986 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-06-3 HHQS-017 queries
  334. Ralph Connor Memorial United Church 1891-1981 Mrs Mary M Smith Co-ordinator Historica committee
  335. Random Rhymes -- 1963 MacDougall, Donald A. none OLRR-277 poetry Glengarry & elsewhere and ex-Glengarrian in California
  336. Rebel Loyalist, The -- 1935 Connor, Ralph none OLRL-251 fiction
  337. Reflector, The -- 1955 WHS students none OLRW-258 history Williamstown The year book
  338. RELICS & REQUIEM, -- 1988 O'Dette, Leonard none OLRR-128 history
  339. REV. JOHN MCLAURIN, 1980 Hamly, Douglas H. none OLRJ-025 biography Prescott County
  340. ROAD TO DALHOUSIE, THE -- 1983 Brigadoons none GMP-008 LP
  341. ROAD TO DALHOUSIE, THE -- 1983 Brigadoons none GMC-009 Cassette
  342. ROB TAYLOR -- 1992 Taylor, Rob none GMC-031 Cassette
  343. Rock and the River, The -- 1931 Connor, Ralph none OLRR-247 fiction
  345. ROSSES OF MARTINTOWN, THE -- 1971 Ewan, Ross none OLRM-139 family history/genealogy Martintown
  346. Thomas 'Taylor' Ross 1716-1794 and his Descendants to 1998 [in part]
  347. ROUND CHURCH, DALHOUSIE MILLS, 1841-1991, THE -- 1991 committee none OLRC-133 history Dalhousie Mills
  348. Runner, The -- 1929 Connor, Ralph none OLRU-246 fiction
  349. RUNNING WITH LOVE . -- 1991 Winton, Winnie 0-921307-30-6 HHRL-030 poetry
  350. SAINT ANTHONY'S PARISH, APPLE HILL AND THE STORY OF , 1979 Gaudet, Adolphe none OLAA-105 history Apple Hill
  351. Saint Lawrence -- 1961 committee none OLSC-268 history Curry Hill Golden Jubile booklet
  352. SAINTE JUSTINE DE NEWTON 1855 -1980, -- 1980 committee none OLJN-158 history St. Justine de Newton, Que.
  353. SALEM CHURCH, A HISTORY, -- 1975 MacLean, Mrs. Mabel none OLHS-103 history Summerstown
  354. SALEM CHURCH, SUMMERSTOWN, ONTARIO 1787-1987 BICENTENNIAL OF -- 1987 Summers, Marjorie none OLSS-035 history Summerstown
  355. Salem BMD 1881-1977
  356. SALUTE TO THE GREAT PIPE -- 1989 MacLellan, Colin none GMP-025 LP
  357. SANDY FRASER -- 1991 MacGillivray, Royce 0-9695129-0-2 OLJM-123 Bibliography 1991 A Bibliography of the writings of John E. McIntosh, 1876-1948.
  358. SARAH ELIZA PRICHARD and her 'aiga', -- 1987 Moss, Mrs. Zella A. none OLSP-120 history/genealogy has a Campbell connection, Glengarry Ontario
  359. Schools of the Glens, The -- 1992 MacMaster, Mrs. Marion 0-9695824-0-5 OLSG-169 history North Glengarry
  360. Scribble by Piffle -- 1992 Mattice, Irvine none OLSP-275 tales Lunenburg Tales of Lunenburg
  361. Seaway Story, The -- 1961 Mabee, Carleton none OLCM-278 history Stormont county, New York & elsewhere
  362. SEAWAY VALLEY FIDDLE TUNES -- ?? McMillan, Roma none GMP-023 LP date published unknown, probably 1970's or 80's
  363. SETTLEMENT OF UPPER CANADA -- 1869 rep 1971 Caniff, William none OLSU-126 history ` Upper Canada
  364. Shadow of Tradition, The -- 1945 MacGillivray, Carrie Holmes none OLST-222 historical Glengarry A Tale of Old Glengarry, published 1945
  365. Simon Fraser: The Perilous Journey. -- 2008 Cornwall Township Historical Society
  366. SIR JOHN JOHNSON LOYALIST BARONET -- 1986 Thomas, Earle OLJJ-102 biography
  367. SKETCHES OF GLENGARRY, -- 1890, rep. 1984 MacDonell, John A. 0-919303-88-9 OLSG-026 history Glengarry, H C, G.H.S. reprint 1986
  368. Sky Pilot -- 1899 Connor, Ralph none OLSP-226 fiction
  369. Sky Pilot in No Man's Land -- 1919 Connor, Ralph none OLNL-241 fiction
  370. SLOPES OF THE ANDES, -- 1990 MacGillivray, Royce 0-921341-44-X OLSA-093 essays
  371. SOME DESCENDANTS OF DUNCAN MCKAY OF LOT 14 - 6TH LANCASTER TOWNSHIP, 1757 - 1994. GLENGARRY COUNTY, -- 1995 Fraser, Alex W. /Rhoda Ross 0-921307-62-4, HHDK-051 genealogy
  372. SOME OF THE SANDFIELDS -- 1987 MacDonald, Eugene none OLSS-121 genealogy St. Raphaels, Alexandria
  373. Songs Our Mother Sang with CD, edited by Alex W Fraser 2008 #2117 ISBN 978-0-921307-43-3
  374. South Augusta and Its Environs -- 1964 Warner, Howard W. none OLSA-281 history South Augusta
  375. Spanish John -- 1897 McLennan, William none OLSJ-274 history, biography Scotland, Stormont County Ontario
  376. ST ANDRE D'ARGENTEUIL -- 1990 committee none OLSA-140 history St. Andrews East, Que
  377. ST ANDREWS MARTINTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CENTENNIAL, -- 1975 Grant, Rhodes C. M. none OLSM-069 history Martintown
  378. ST COLUMBA'S MEN IN 3 WARS, KIRK HILL -- 1990 MacMaster, Marion, Mrs. none OLCM-094 history Kirk Hill
  379. ST GREGORY - VANKLEEK HILL 1878 - 1978 -- 1978 committee none OLST-110 history Vankleek Hill
  380. ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Cornwall, a history 1787 - 1975 -- 1975 committee none OLJP-106 history Cornwall
  381. ST MARGARETS OF SCOTLAND A HISTORY -- 1980 committee none OLMS-101 history Glen Nevis
  382. ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN CHURCH, MAXVILLE, ONTARIO 1959 - 1984, -- 1984 Franklin, Velma, Mrs. none OLMA-062 history Maxville
  383. ST RAPHAEL'S, S.C., -- 1985 Ross, Ewan none OLSR-047 history St. Raphaels
  384. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, BAINSVILLE, CENTENNIAL OF THE " PRESENT " ONTARIO 1886 - 1986 -- 1986 committee none OLCA-045 history Bainsville, 2nd conc
  385. St. Andrew's Presbyterian/United Church Records BMD 1833 - 1977 2nd Concession Bainsville, Ontario,
  386. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Records 1805 - 1914,Williamstown V.2
  387. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Records 1779 - 1804, V.1 & name Index -- 1998? Fraser, Alex W. /Rhoda Ross HHAW-059 church records Williamstown, Ontario
  388. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Records BMD 1931 - 1978 South Lancaster,
  389. ST. ANDREW'S WEST PARISH HISTORY, 1787-1987, -- 1988 parish committee none OLSA-007 history St Andrew's West
  390. ST. ANDREW'S WILLIAMSTOWN 1787 - 1987, THE HISTORY OF -- 1987 Wilson, Mary J. 0-9692880-0-X OLHA-087 history Williamstown
  391. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH WILLIAMSTOWN, ONTARIO 1787 - 1984 -- 1984 Clark, Ethel none OLSA-041 history rev'd edition Williamstown
  392. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RECORDS & NAME INDEX -- 1991 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-34-9 HHAM-032 church records 1925 - 1990-92. MARTINTOWN, ONTARIO
  393. St. Andrews West Parish Register -- 1985 Darby, Duncan 0-920300-47-2 OLPR-150 records part 1 1804-36, St Andrews West
  394. St. Andrews West Parish Register -- 1986 Darby, Duncan 0-920300-47-2 OLAR-151 records part 11 1836-56 St Andrews West
  395. St. Andrews West, The Story of -- 1987 MacDonald, Edwin 0-921133-03-0 OLAW-149 history St Andrews West
  396. ST. CATHERINE of Sienna PARISH 1894 - 1994, -- 1994 MacDonald, Flora C. 0-9798423-0-9 OLCG- 181 history Greenfield
  397. St. Catherine's Metcalfe, Ontario, -- 150 years, 1990 1990 Rowan, Jim & Joe none Metcalfe OLCM-191 history
  398. ST. COLUMBAN'S PARISH, CORNWALL -- 1979 committee none OLSC-015 history Cornwall
  399. ST. FINNAN'S Ainyot - MacDermitt, -- 1986 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-5-0 HHSF-014 index Vol. 1,
  400. ST. FINNAN'S MacDonald/MacDonell, -- 1986 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-6-9 HHSF-015 index Vol. 2,
  401. ST. FINNAN'S CHURCH RECORDS NAME INDEX 1836 - 1883, {ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO} -- 1986 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-4-2 HHSF-013 index A 3 VOLUME SET, 1986.
  402. ST. FINNAN'S MacDougald - Young, -- 1986 Fraser, Alex W. 0-9692172-7-7 HHSF-016 index Vol. 3,
  403. ST. FINNAN'S PARISH 1833 - 1983, -- 1983 MacDonald, Eugene none OLSF-072 history Alexandria
  404. St. Finnans Catholic Church Records 1836-1845 -- Roots Glengarry HHSF-045 church records Volume 1 not published
  405. St. Finnans Catholic Church Records 1846-1855 -- Roots Glengarry HHSF-046 church records Volume 2 not published
  406. St. Finnans Catholic Church Records 1856-1865 -- Roots Glengarry HHSF-047 church records Volume 3 not published
  407. St. Finnans Catholic Church Records 1866-1875 -- Roots Glengarry HHSF-048 church records Volume 4 not published
  408. St. Finnans Catholic Church Records 1876-1883 Plus 1884 Deaths -- Roots Glengarry HHSF-049 church records Volume 5 not published
  409. St. John's Anglican Church 1854 - 1984 1984 -- Higginson, H. Jean none OLJA-155 history Vankleek Hill
  410. St. John's Anglican Church 1898 -1978 2009 Church in the Wildwood, Lancaster, Ontario BMD & gravestone inscriptions ISBN13 978-0-921307-47-1 hc edited by Alex W Fraser & Rhoda Ross
  411. St. Joseph's Baptisms, Marriages Deaths -- 1995 Fraser, Alex W. /Rhoda Ross 0-921307-64-0 HHSJ-052 church records 1904-1928, Lancaster, Ontario,
  412. St. Lawrence Seaway & Power Projects, The -- 1959 Reid/Boulton none OLSS-255 history S D G & USA
  413. St. Mary's Catholic Church, Williamstown, Ontario -- 1997 MacDonell, Archibald C. none OLSV-208 history Williamstown
  414. St. Raphael's Catholic Church Records B M D 1804 - 1835 Roots Glengarry - ISBN13 978-0-921307-79-2, 900 p on CD
  415. A history of St Regis Catholic Church by Rosemary & Darren Tarbell Bonaparte
  416. Stairway to the Stars -- 1946 Dumbrille, Dorothy none OLSD-219 poetry
  417. Ste Claire D'Assise 1905 - 1955 -- 1955 committee none OLCA-272 history River Beaudette 50th anniversary booklet,text french
  418. STORMONT DUNDAS & GLENGARRY, 1786 - 1945, -- 1945, rep.1951 Harkness, John G. none OLSG-051 history S D G
  419. STORMONT DUNDAS & GLENGARRY, 1945 - 1978, -- 1978 Marin, Clive & Frances 0-919303-63-3 OLMU-052 history S D G
  420. Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders, The -- 1952 Boss, Lieut. Col W. none OLGH-153 history Cornwall
  421. A Story in Each of Us, Memories of Glengarry Storytellers, SC, 2011, ISBN 9780986938504, 307 p, various authors.
  422. Story of Ingleside, Ontario, The -- 1975 Jeacle, Jean C. none OLIO-160 history Ingleside
  423. STORY OF THE OLD STONE CHURH 1787 - 1980, THE -- 1980 Smith, Ella May, Mrs. none OLSC-084 history South Lancaster
  424. Street Atlas for Stormont Dundas & Glengarry, United Counties SDG ca 2012, SC, 85 p,
  425. Swan Creek Blizzard, The -- 1904 Connor, Ralph none OLSW-233 fiction
  426. There Was A Piper, A Scottish Piper, Memoirs of Pipe Major John T MacKenzie, 2001 by John T MacKenzie
  427. THE GIFT, -- 1987 Winton, Winnie 0-921307-12-8 HHTG-019 poetry
  428. ThornApple Tree -- 1942 Campbell, Grace none OLTA-211 historical fiction hc, with dust jacket, went into about 18 printings as of June 1947
  429. Those Grey Stone Walls -- 1982 Gosse, Rose Gourlay none OLGS-279 history Glengarry county & elsewhere
  430. THURSDAY'S DREAM -- 1980's Earle, Joan Levy none OLTD-049 poems,
  431. Time That Was, The -- 1977 Women's Institute. ?? OLSV-206 history Chesterville area
  432. TITLE GUIDE OF LOCAL HISTORIES FOR THE COUNTIES OF GLENGARRY, DUNDAS, PRESCOTT, STORM0NT, -- 1991 Fraser, Alex W. 0-921307-40-3 HHTG-037 book list replaced by rev'd ed.
  434. To Him That Hath -- 1921 Connor, Ralph none OLTH-242 fiction
  435. To Their Heirs Forever -- 1977 Lapp, Eula C. 0-919303-15-3 OLTF-285 history Augusta twp, Bay of Quinte
  436. Torbeg -- 1953 Campbell, Grace none OLTO-213 fiction
  437. Torches Through The Bush -- 1934 Connor, Ralph none OLTB-250 fiction
  438. Tower and the Town, The -- 1950 Campbell, Grace none OLTT-216 fiction
  439. TRACING YOUR ANCESTORS IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, -- 1990 Bevan Amanda 0-11-440222-1 OSRO-007 Guide London, England
  440. Tracing your SCOTTISH ANCESTORS, -- 1990 Cory, Kathleen B, 0-7486-6054-2 OSSA-004 Guide Scotland A Guide To Ancestry Research In The Scottish Record Office,
  441. TRACING YOUR SCOTTISH ANCESTRY. -- 1990 Sinclair, Cecik 0-11494118-1 OSSK-005 Guide Scotland
  442. Treading the Wine Press -- 1925 Connor, Ralph none OLWP-244 fiction
  443. TWO CENTURIES OF LIFE IN OSNABRUCK TOWNSHIP 1784 - 1984, -- 1984 Morrison, Beryl, Mrs. none OLOT-044 history Osnabruck township
  444. UNDERSTANDING SCOTTISH GRAVEYARDS, -- 1985 Wilsher, Betty 0-550-20482-2 OSSG-006 guide Scotland
  445. Up and Down The Glens -- 1954 Dumbrille, Dorothy none OLUG-220 historical Glengarry The Story of Glengarry
  446. Up The Glens, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders 1783 - 1994 -- 1951, rep. 1995 Patterson/Boss 0-9699330-0-2 OLUG-193 history S D G republished July 1995
  447. UPPER CANADA SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS -- 1981 Livingstone, Mrs. Mildred R. 0-920991-07-2 OLUU-112 list vol. 1 Upper Canada
  448. Upper Canada, A Brief Review of the Settlement of -- 1841 rep 1972 M'Leod, D. none OLUC-148 history Upper Canada,
  449. Vanished Villages -- 1996 Brown, Ron 1-896757-00-6 OLVV-276 history Stormont, Dundas, Ontario
  450. VANKLEEK HILL AND ITS ENVIRONS, THE STORY OF -- 1979 MacKinnon, Alan D. 0-919303-33-1 OLVS-111 history Vankleek Hill Soft & hard cover
  451. VANKLEEK HILL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE CENTENIAL SOUVENIR BOOK 1890-1990 -- 1990 MacKinnon, Alan D. none OLVC-085 history Vankleek Hill, Ont School history
  452. VIOLINS OF THE GLENGARRY Strathspey AND REEL SOCIETY, THE -- 1980 The Glengarry Strathspey & Reel Society none GMP-017 LP
  453. Watch the Sun Rise -- 1943 Dumbrille, Dorothy none OLSR-267 poetry
  454. WEE SCOT BOOK & TAPE, THE -- 1987 Campbell, Aileen 0-89778-067-1 OLMS-086 stories for children
  455. WEIR SEPT OF LOCHIEL, THE -- 1989 Weir, George D. none OLWL-074 genealogy Lochiel twp Glengarry
  456. WILLIAM AMELL HISTORY, -- 1981 Amell, Anna Pearl none OLWA-009 genealogy
  457. William Fraser, Senior, U.E. and His Descendants -- 1964 Fraser, Duncan none OLWF-157 history
  458. WILLIAMSBURG TWEEDSMUIR VILLAGE HISTORY, -- 1984 Women's Institute none OLWT-058 history Williamsburg
  459. Williamstown Fair 200th Anniversary fair book,
  460. 202nd Williamstown Fair, Canada's Oldest Annual Fair, 2013 Fair Book SC, 80 p, illustrated
  461. WILLIAMSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL, -- 1978 Ross, Ewan none OLWH-003 history
  462. YESTERDAY AND TODAY Williamstown,1784 - 1984 -- 1984 Char Lan Students none OLYT-114 history Williamstown
  463. ZION UNITED CHURCH, 1889-1989, -- APPLE HILL, ONT. 1989 committee none OLZC-179 history Apple Hill
  464. Zion Church Burials 1833 - 1980 & Index 1833 - 1899 Ste Agnes de Dundee, Que
End of list
June 19, 1998, update 11/12

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