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Table of Contents
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Thank you for that act of Kindness AWF

Titles Published & Unpublished catalogue
by Alex W. Fraser -- Rhoda Ross
1971 - 2014

Click image of title for more details on contents
Cat #5098id -- NEW --

knoxcalemandrewsbmd Combined Name Index

for Salem United Church BMD,1881-1977 Summerstown, Knox United Church BMD, 1881-1977 Lancaster, St. Andrew's United Church/2nd Concession Lancaster Township, BMD, 1833-1978 Bainsville, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BMD, 1884-1978 South Lancaster, consisting of 9053 name entries -- available on CD also. ISBN13 978-0-921307-92-1, total 274 p, 9.5 MG download

Knox Salem StAndrews BMD index $58.00 NOW $49.00

Combined Name Index 4 Church BMD

Cat#5047id -- NEW --

The Kennedys, MacDiarmids, McDermids, Munros Photo Name Index, total 74 p, 4.8 MG download, 1,345 Name entries.


The Kennedys, MacDiarmids, McDermids, Munros$20.00 NOW $17.00

Kennedy McDermids Munros

Cat #5048id -- NEW --

The MacDougalls - MacEwens - Stewarts - Munroes - Robertsons Photo Name Index total 73 p, 4.7MG download, 1,123 name entries MacDougallsMacEwens

The MacDougalls - MacEwens - Stewarts - Munroes - Robertsons $20.00 NOW $17.00

MacDougalls - MacEwens - Stewarts P N I

Cat # 5064id -- NEW --

Maxville; Its Centennial Story Photo Name Index, ISBN 9780921307785, total 195 p, 12MG download, over 5,700 name entries.


Maxville; Its Centennial Story $30.00 NOW $25.00

Maxville; Its Cent Story Photo Name Index

Cat #5038id -- NEW --

Rev James McNally, Partial Baptism Marriage Parish Register 1836 1865, ISBN13 9780921307464, total 92 p, 28MG download, over 669 name entries


Rev James McNally, Partial Baptism Marriage Parish Register $15.00 NOW $12.50

Rev James McNally, B M Register 1836 1865,

Cat#5027id -- NEW --

It Came From The Heart, [A Scot from Glengarry] A Tribute to the Late Ewan Ross 1922-1987, ISBN 0921307241, total 83 p., 21 MG download,


It Came From The Heart, $23.00 NOW $19.00

It Came From The Heart,

Cat#3076id -- NEW --

The Glen Sandfield United Church History, by Campbell Fraser, 1975, total 42p, 11.5 MG download,


The Sandfield United Church History, $13.00 NOW $10.00

GlenSandfield United Church

Cat # 5111id -- NEW --

McNaughtons of Glengarry V.1 A-D, ISBN 9780921307310, total 477 p, 5.7 MG download,


McNaughtons of Glengarry V.1 $55.00 NOW $46.50

McNaughton's of Glengarry V1

Cat# 5112id -- NEW --

McNaughtons of Glengarry V.2 E-L, ISBN 9780921307358, total 469 p, 7.2 MG download,

McNaughtonsGlengarry2 McNaughtons of Glengarry V.2 $55.00 NOW $46.50

McNaughtons of GlengarryELV2id

Cat# 5113id -- NEW --

McNaughtons of Glengarry V.3 M-Z, ISBN 9780921307372, total 443 p, 7.1 MG download,


McNaughtons of Glengarry V.3 $55.00 NOW $46.50

McNaughtons of GlengarryMZV3id


McNaughtons of Glengarry V.4 index & Update, ISBN 9780921307396, total 266 p, 15MG download,


McNaughtons of Glengarry V.4 $40.00 NOW $34.00

McNaughtons of GlengarryindV4id

St Andrews Pres Church Martintown BMD 1925-1992 , ISBN 9780921307349, total 338 p, 72MG Available on a CD mailed to you


St AndMartintownBMD25-90 $50.00 NOW $42.00

St Andrew Pres BMD25-92
Cat #5204id -- NEW --

St Raphael's 1804-1835 BMD, ISBN13 9780921307792 total 950 p, 46.6 MG download, 5,100 name entries
straphael'sbmd0435, St Raphael's 1804-1834 $80.00 NOW $68.00

St Raphaels BMD 1804-1835
Cat #5056id -- NEW --

Zion Church Burials 1833 - 1980 & Index 1833 - 1899, ISBN total 147 p, 36.5 MG download


Zion Church Burials $30.00 NOW $25.00

Zion Church Burials 1833 - 1980
Cat#5032id -- NEW --

Gravestones of Stormont Vol. 1, ISBN 0969217226, total 91 p, 23.8 MG download, gravestormontv1, Gravestones of Stormont Vol. 1 $12.00 NOW $9.00

Gravestones of Stormont Vol. 1, Cornwall

Cat#5045id -- NEW --

The School of The Glens Photo Name Index ISBN 9780921307938 total 108 p, 4.3 MG, more than 3,000 name entries


The School of The Glens $24.00 NOW $20.00

School of The Glens Photo Name Index

Cat#5046id -- NEW --

Reflections of Monkland & District Photo Name Index, ISBN 9780921307952, total 40 p, 1,095 Name entries, 4.1 MG reflections

Reflections of Monkland & District $15.00 NOW $12.50

Reflections of Monkland & District Photo Name Index,

Cat# 5049id -- NEW --

The Canadian Glen Falloch Murrays, photo name Index, total 48 p, 4 MG download, 846 Name entries


The Canadian Glen Falloch Murrays $15.00 NOW $12.50 Coming Soon

The Canadian Glen Falloch Murrays, photo name Index,
Alex & Rhoda's Book List catalogue
updated in brief to 2015
AlexRhodatitles FREE download link Alex's Titles
Cat #5071id -- NEW --

As Others See Us total 419 p, 136 MG download


As Others See Us $50.00 NOW $42.50

As Others See Us-01
Cat #5102id -- NEW --

2005 Fraser genealogy Companion to AOSU Total 185 p. 208 MG download in 2 parts


2005 Fraser Genealogy $32.00 NOW $26.75
Cat# 5123id NEW
Gravestones of Glengarry Volume 9 Precious Blood & Salem, Glen Walter, Summerstown total 193 p, 82 MG download

ISBN 978-0-921307-87-7 pdf
Gravestones of Glengarry Vol 9 $32.00 NOW $27.20

G of G V9
Cat# 5128id NEW
Gravestones of Glengarry Volume 10 Martintown - Apple Hill total 315 p, 83 MB download

ISBN 9780921307853 pdf
Gravestones of Glengarry Vol 10 $43.50 NOW $36.75

G of G V10
Cat. #2028id -- NEW --

Cote St George BMD & Cemetery
ISBN10 0921307268, ISBN13 9780921307266

90 MB download

Cote St George $46.90 NOW $39.90
Cat #2108id -- NEW --

The Descendants of Angus, John and Donald Cameron, ISBN 978-0-921307-19-8
70 mb download


Angus, John and Donald Cameron $23.00 NOW $19.55
Cat #2036id
Fr John's Diary of Death 1819-1866 & 1839 Census
ISBN 9780921307150
Fr John's Diary download $40.00 NOW $34.00
Cat # 2014id
St Finnans' BMD 1836-83 V1 A-McD;
ISBN10 0969217250,
ISBN13 978-0-9692172-5-1

1.1 meg, 285 p. download stfinnansbmd1
St Finnan's BMD Index
Cat # 2015id
St Finnans' BMD 1836-83 V2 MacDonald/ell;
ISBN10 0969217269,
ISBN13 978-0-9692172-6-8
1.2 MB, 262 p download stfinnansbmd2
St Finnan's BMD Index
Cat # 2016id
St Finnans' BMD 1836-83 V3 McDougald-Young;
ISBN10 0969217277,
ISBN13 978-0-9692172-7-5,
1.1MB, 260 p download stfinnansbmd3
St Finnan's BMD Index
Cat # 2009id
Gravestones of Prescott V1, McLaughlin & Barb 1.1MB, 90 p download
Gravestones Prescott V1 $10.00 NOW $5.00
Cat # 2103id
Gravestones of Prescott V2, Ste Anne de Prescott 3.5MB 90 p download gravesprescottv2
Gravestones of Prescott V2 $20.00 NOW $17.00
Cat # 2065id
Lost Villages Cemetery index, 3.3MB 193 p download LostVillagesCemetery
Lost Villages Cemetery Index $25.00 NOW $21.25
Cat # 2059id
St Andrews BMD & index V.1 1779-1804 Williamstown 7.9MB 430 p download standrewsbmd1779-04
St Andrews BMD Wmst $44.00 NOW $37.40
Cat # 2125id
St Andrews BMD & index V.2 1805-1914 Williamstown 200p 80MB download
St Andrews BMD Wmst $40.00 NOW $34.00
Cat # 2025id
Gravestones of Glengarry V3 St Raphaels, Green Valley, & Family Linkages 4.3MB 162 p download
Gravestones of Glengarry V.3 F L $50.00 NOW $42.50
Cat # 2104id
Gravestones of Glengarry V.4, Alexandria 389 P, 81.7MB download
Gravestones of Glengarry
Cat # 5105id
Gravestones of Glengarry V.5, Kirk Hill Updated 350 p, 144 MB download
index fine tuned, glitches & typos corrected 6/15

Gravestones of Glengarry V.5 $45.00 NOW $39.00
Cat # 5107id
Gravestones of Glengarry V.6, Breadalbane 265 P, 79.9MB download.
The index of Vol.6 has been updated, fine tuned, with glitches & typos corrected 6/15
Gravestones of Glengarry V6 $43.00 NOW $36.55
Cat # 2121id
Gravestones of Glengarry V.7, Lochiel 221 p, 79MB download gravestonelochiel
Gravestones of Glengarry V7 $40.00 NOW $34.00
Cat # 2122id
Gravestones of Glengarry Vol 8 Glen Nevis - Dalhousie Mills 228 p, 86 MB download,
index fine tuned, glitches & typos corrected 6/15
Gravestones of Glengarry V8 $40.00 NOW $34.00
Cat # 2026id
Donald Fraser & Peter MacIntosh Family
Tree Charts, 1750-1975 ... 1993
271p, 8.5x14 page format, 138MB download in a zip file
Also will be part of the upcoming version 5 of MacDonalds of Loup
Fraser MacIntosh Family Tree Charts, 1750-1975 $48.00 NOW $40.80
Cat # 2095id
St. Andrew's United Church BMD, 1833-1978, 2nd Concession Lancaster Township Bainsville, Ontario 531p, 77MB download
St. Andrew's BMD, 2nd Conc $45.00 NOW $38.25
Cat # 2094id
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BMD, 1884-1978, South Lancaster, Ontario 347p, 82MB download
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BMD, $49.00 NOW $41.65
Cat # 2119id
St Johns Evangelist Anglican Church BMD Lancaster, Ont 1898-1977 & gravestone inscriptions 222p, 82MB donload stjohnsevangelist
St Johns Evangelist BMD $47.00 NOW $39.95
Cat # 3139id
ROSSES OF MARTINTOWN, updated 246p 78MB download
Ross' of Martintown $30.00 NOW $25.50
Cat # 2097id
Salem United Church BMD, 1884-1977, Summerstown, Ontario 293 p, 73.8MB download salembmd
Salem United Church BMD, Summerstown, Ont.$49.00 NOW $41.65

Cat # 2096id
Knox United Church BMD, 1881-1977 Lancaster, Ontario, 435 p, 75.1 MB download knoxbmd
Knox BMD, Lancaster $55.00 NOW $46.75

Cat #2054id

THE GLEN - ANN - LIFE INDEX 1961 - 1995.

go to click on image for more details

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