Glengarry Name index References

SOURCE Entries
Canadian Glen Malloch Murrays photo name index 845
Charles Edgar Family History

Connections 2017
Cote St George BMD & Cemetery 1843-1990 3398
Donald Fraser Peter McIntosh Family Charts

Duncan McKay Family History

Fr John’s Diary of Deaths 1819-1866 2571
Glen Stor obits 2335
Gravestones of Glengarry Master index 43597
Gravestones of Prescott Vol.1-2

Gravestones of Stormont Vol.1 652
Greenwood Cemetery

Hephzibah BM 1899-1911 Williamstown                             523
Kennedy’s, MacDiarmids, McDermids Munrosphoto name index 1325
Knox, Salem, St Andrew’s S Lancaster, Bainsville 1833-1978 9052
Lost Villages Cemetery index                                   4900
MacDonalds of Loupe, Lundie Fraser Connections V5 34034
MacDougalls, MacEwens, Stewarts, Munroes, Robertsons, PNI 1120
Maxville Its Centennial Story, photo name index 5610
McNaughtons of Glengarry 4870
Methodist Church BM 1878- 1903, Lancaster 450

Reflections of Monkland & District photo name index 1095
Rev James McNally BM 1836-1865 Prescott Co. 643
School of the Glens Photo Name index TSTG 3000
St Andrew’s BMD Williamstown Vol. 1 & 2 1779-1914 9800
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Martintown 1925-1990 2750
St Eugene Cemetery

St Columbans cemetery

St Finnans RC BMD 1833 - 1883 8000
St Gregory's Cemetery

St John the Evangelist BMD & cemetery1898-1977 428
St John’s Presbyterian BMD Cornwall    4219
St Joseph’s RC BMD Lancaster 1904-1928 9000
St Justine de Newton Cemetery

St Raphael’s RC BMD 1804 - 1835              over 5100
St Telesphore cemetery

Woodlawn cemetery

Still some work to be done

This is  a partial list of the indexing we have done on Glengarry County & Area with out publications over the years.
amounting to 162154 entries from the above sources. 3/5/16

More items will be added to this list as we get things fined tuned

Total 156632  entries 162154 entries

from the files of Alex W Fraser, Courtenay, BC