Rev. John D. Matheson, Baptisms 1880-1913

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Rev. John D. Matheson, Baptisms 1880-1913

Introduction to the Notebook of Rev’d John D. Matheson
1880 Page 1, First Baptism three children at same time In Duncan McCrimmons house in Second Con. in Feby. 19th 1880.
Number Parents Names childs name Date
(1) Duncan McCrimmon childs name "Margaret Ellen" Born April 24th 1879
(2) Alex'r Dingwall childs name "Lilly Anne Catherine" born 1st. Oct. 1879.
(3) Farquhar McCrimmon childs name Farquhar Duncan Born 13 Dec. 1879.
. 4th E. Hawkesbury to Rory McDonald " Sarah Ann" name.
. Samuel Woods Corner of Brock and Wellington Streets Kingston,Bookseller & Stationer, & Co.
. From my first Presbyterian meeting in Cornwall Jan. 13th, 1880 & Mr. Nish Wood
Baptisms in my first year at Williamstown
(5) Parents Donald J. McLennan, & Mary Fraser Childs name ________ .
(6) Williams Stephens & Catherine Morrison. Childs name Thomas 7th Nov. 1880
(7) Silus McPherson. Maggie Miller, mother died on Monday 15th Nov. 1880 - child ten days old. Child baptised between 10 and 11 a.m. on Wednesday the 17th before the mothers funeral & called Silus Armatha by request.
(8) And 9 children at Lake Megantic on the 10th of October, I have not their names yet. Making 16 in all for the first year of ministry.
. My First Anniversary The anniversary of my ordination & induction was duly kept in Hephzibah Church, Williamstown on the evening of the 18th of Nov. 1880 "Thursday morning". After a good report from the ladies, Mrs. Elder was appointed chairman. A splendid programme was carried out in which the following took part- namely Rev. J. S. Brunet, Dr. Hunt and the chair with Mr. D. D. McLennan as leader. They also had a Social on Friday night as much food remained from Thursday, this also was a success. Amount realised 37 - & 13 dollars, about 50.00 between the two nights. All passed off well all seemed pleased & satisfied .
. Attended Synod in Ottawa on 10th May 1881, along with H. McDermid, we stayed at D. Masson's, Bank Street. This is the first time I attended Synod. J. Matheson.-
1882 Baptisms for the Second year of my ministry.
1. Donald D.Ross's name = is Kenneth William .
2. Ostrums _______ name Ernest Blackwood .
3. Mac Munroes (Mills) Kate .
4. Sept. 16th Dr. McBains child, name Georgiana Minnie .
(5-6) 7. In July 3 children at Dalhousie Mills. .
8. H. Lyle St. John Curtes Anthony .
9. D. MacCrimmon James John .
10. Gregor Fraser Alfred .
. My Second Anniversary Social was also held in Hephzibah Church, Williamstown on the evening of Nov. 1887. Friday, good audience. Mr. Elder in Chair, Splendid programme come out in which the following took part, Rev. R. Watson, A. McGilvary, W. R. Rilance, J. S. Burnet and also Mr. Scales, Miss Grinley, Miss McBain,Miss B. McNaughton, Jessie McLennan,Maggie McLennan& the Chair lead by Messrs. D. P. MacLennan & Lewis. All went home highly pleased. Proceeds amounted to 45 dallors. J.M.
1883 Baptisms for 3rd year of ministry
No. Parents Names Date Childrens names
1. Andrew Foulds, - John Robert Foulds }Twin
2. Andrew Foulds, - Margaret Helen Foulds }Twin
3. Hugh McGregor - William Neil
4. George Simon - Margaret Helen
5. John McDonald - _______
6. ___ Snider - Alexandrina? Gertrude
7. William Dewar - Andrew
8. Dan Litch - _______
9. Jasper Robinson - Arthur Wellington
10. Alex Calder -12th April John Duncan
11. Dr. Kirk - 26 April Charlotte Georgina Kirk
12. Mr. Handen - May 31 David
13. Mrs. McLennan 7 June 1882 Catherine Mary (widow Calder's daughter)
14. Mrs. McNeil (June 18th) John Alexander
15. Ostraum Aug. 13th Ethel Luella
16. Baker McArthur Aug 13th Margaret Sarah
17. D. J. McLennan Aug 31st. Eva Kate
18. F. D. McLennan Dec. 27th Mary Jane
. The third anniversary of my induction and ordination was held on the 19th December in order to have better weather & roads although the 18th of Nov was the proper time, the church was pretty well filled, almost every available seat being taken. It was the best gathering of the we had in the church, after a sumptuous repast from the ladies, an excellent programme was carried out, Mr. Geo Elder in the chair, Addresses were delivered by Revs's Minns?, McGillivray, Watson, Rilance, Brunet . Readings by Mr Scales & Miss McLennan & Christy Ann McNaughton Dialyne??? by Miss McBain Mrs. McDonald, P. Robinson and M. Mawatt. Realations & excellent singing under the management of Mr Donald McGregor. After the usual votes of thanks the company dispersed all well pleased with the entertainment. Proceeds of the evening fully sixty dollars. J. M.
Baptisms in 1883 or fourth year of my ministry
Name of Parent Date Name of Child
Farquhar McRae Jan 3rd Donald
Farquhar McRae Jan 3rd Duncan
Farquhar McRae Jan 3rd Mori??
Farquhar McRae Jan 3rd Gordon
Mac Na mara Jan 3rd Mary bella
Donald Grant Bella McNaughton March 7th William Clarence Alex
Kenneth McLennan Sept 20 Ellenor Agnes
John McDonald Sept 13 Essie Ellen
Alex McNaughton Sept 13 Christy Jane
Duncan McGregor Heline Craik Oct 9 John Murdoch Laura Clifford
John Fraser Nov 28 Twins {Catherine Janet
John Fraser Nov 28 Twins {Christina Mary
Mac Munro Dec 5 Edith
William St. John Dec 6th Twins {Annie
William St. John Dec 6th Twins {Walter
16 in all during the years.
. The fourth anniversary of my ordination and induction was held on Monday the 17th December,instead of the 18th of November to have better roads. There was a large gathering - After refreshments were served by the Ladies in there own excellent style, MR.George Elder as on former occasions was called to the Chair and an excellent programme was carried out, Addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs Watson,Calder,McGillivary- Readings by Messrs James Fraser, Scales M. Mowat, Address by Cornel McLennan, Reading my Miss G. Mowat, Miss C. & E. McNaughton. Recitation by Miss Bella McNaughton. Recitation by Mary Ann McLennan and very excellent music by the chair which was led by Mr Donald McArthur the preecutor??? After the usual notes? of thanks the company broke up all apparently well pleased with the nights entertainment. J. Matheson, B.A.
Baptisms in 1884
Name of Parent childs name date
J. McCrimmon Walter Angus Nov 19
Hugh St. John Johny Kenneth same month
Hugh McGregor Anna Roberta Nov. 7
Alex Ross Albert Ross Nov 26
William McPherson William Oct 12th
John Crawford Janet Ann August
. The fifth anniversary was held on the twenty eight day of November 1884 at the house of Duncan Ross. There was a very large gathering and as usual a very good programme was carried out. The Programme consisted of music vocal and instrumental?. Addresses reading and recitations etc etc?? Some of those who take part are the following, Mr. Finlay McIntyre leading a well trained choir, Mr. La M ab? Miss McArthur, Miss McRae, Mr.Bond, Mr. McGregor, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Hunt, Mr. H. J. McDermid. Every part of the programme was well received and all went home pleased with the evenings entertainment. It was indeed one of the most pleasing and successful entertainments that we have ever had in connection with that church. J. Matheson
Baptisms for 1885
Name of parent Childs name Date
Alex Ross (Machinest) Alexina Margaret Jan 1st. 1885
James McArthur James Nelson Jan 2nd 1885
Alexander McNaughton Jessie Mary Jan 15th 1885
George Simon Lena March
Malcolm McGillivray Angus John March 31st
William Dewar Mary McNaughton {William Kenneth McNaughton {Catherine Jane April 2nd
James McNaughton William Percy April 2nd
??? Williams Mary Jane August 12th
A. R. McBain James David August 16th
Baptisms for 1886
Parents name Childrens name Date
William St. John Lydia January 14
Mr Kennedy Lachu?? Edward Alexander Feby 22
Mr. William McPherson John Eastman May 23rd
Hugh Campbell} Maria Montgomery} Annie Maria July 15th 1886
D. D. Ross} Mary Jane Urquhart} Ethel Anna Bella July 30th 1886
A. J .McNaughton} Christina Matheson} John Leslie Nov 4th 1886
Charles Procter {Mary Jane Louise {Charles George Nov 4th 1886
Baptisms for 1887
Parents name Childs name Date
Thomas Carlyle} Catharine Munro} Hazel Ross Feb. 23rd
Hugh McGregor} Agnes Craik} Norman Donald Summer
James Fraser} Martha McGuire} Francis James.
For 1888
Duncan McGregor} Adeline Craik} Arthur William Jan 30th
James Allan Fraser} Martha McGuire} Allan Melville Fraser Baptised in June 1887
Alex'r Calder Libbie Francis Sept 13th 1888
John Alpin McGregor} ___ Fraser} Annie Sept 13th
Baptisms for 1889
A. R. McBain} Harriet McGuire} Anna Bella January
Hugh McGregor} Agnes Craig} Robert McGregor January
John McCrimmon} Mary Jane Logie} Annie Laura February 27th.
Baptisms for 1890no baptisms recorded
Baptisms for 1891
J Matheson C A E McNaughton Donald Charnack Matheson was born on Thursday the 28th day of August 1890, between half past three and four o'clock a.m. and he was baptised in the manse Martintown on Sabbath the 15th day of February 1891 by the Rev. Dr. Robertson of Winnipeg, Superintendent of Missions of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Robertson was visiting the Presbytery giving? information about the West. He preached in the Stone Church in the morning at 11, in Burns Church at 3 p.m. to a good congregation. After we dismissed, Mr.Burnet was waiting at the road to drive him to Williamstown, although Mr. A. K. Foulds had consented to do so at the church So Mr. Faulds and not to go and Mr.Burnet and Dr. Robertson drove to the Manse Kings Road. Mr. D. D. Ross and Mrs.Ross also came in to be present and Donald Charnock was baptised in presence of the above mentioned persons at about five o'clock p.m. I handed the Dr. five dallors for his trouble, Then Mr. Burnet drove the Dr. to Williamstown, Mr. and Mrs. Ross waited here for tea and went to the meeting with us at night in Burns Church. Large meeting - Text 1 Peter 1 - 15 John Matheson February 19th 1891
Alexander McNaughton} Christina Matheson} Gordon (died next day) Feb. 2nd 1891 -These were twins
Alexander McNaughton} Christina Matheson} Wm. Kenneth Feb. 2nd 1891 -These were twins
Thomas Ross} Mary Lucinda Clark} James Daniel April 16th/91
James Peter Fraser} Martha McGuire} Pierson Ward May 17th 1891 At a large meeting held at Peter's house
Angus McArthur} Annie Cresswell} Cresswell Pierson July 28th 1891 Tuesday Casning???at Mr. Creswell house
A. R. McBain} Harriot McDougald} Alexander McDougald Nov. 29th
Dan McArthur} Jennie McArthur} Gertrude May Dec 28th
The above is put on the other side as this was the page for 1891 John Matheson
Parents names Child's name Date
Osman Wesley Froom} Ellen Maria D'arcey} George D'arcey Born March 29th 1892 Baptised in their house on June 14th 1892
Murdoch A. Munro} Flora McDonald} Alexander David Born May 20th 1892 Baptised in their house on July 13th 1892
James Sangster} Jessie Logie} Lottie Genevieve Born Feb. 6th 1892 Baptised at the house on Sunday evening July 24th 1892
J. Matheson} C.A.E.} Twins born July 2nd 1892 - Baptised at house on Feb. 10th 1893 at 3 p.m.
Parents Children Date
James Farquharson} Margaret Stewart} David Blair Born Feb. 24th 1892 Baptised Jan 2nd 1893
William Irvine} Mary Johnston} Mable Estella Born Aug. 21st. 1892 Baptised Jan. 5th 1893
Hugh St. John} Hariot Huene August 1893
Charles Dore Procter} Katie May Hamis?? Jessie Caroline August 1893
Alex McNaughton} Christina Matheson} Matheson Victor August 1893
A. R. McBain} Hariot McDougald} Daniel Hugh Born March 12th 1893 Baptised Oct. 29th 1893
Maggie Nicolson Henry Nicolson "her father" Henry Nicolson Born Feb.4th Baptised in house Feb. 17th 1894
John McArthur N.B. Grace L. McArthur Christy Edna Born Feb. 26th 1894 Baptised April 13th 1894 at home, the McArthurs place???
Parents Children Date
William McPherson} Mary Janet Urquhart} Christina Margaret Born Dec. 13th 1893 Baptised April 16th 1894 at home in Williamstown Present to Teachers. Time about 5 o'clock p.m.
James Peter Fraser} Martha Maguire} Rawena Dean Born Sept. 19th 1893 Baptised at home June 24th 1894
Hugh Fraser} Elizabeth Jane Clark} Lillian Maud Born 11 July 1892
Hugh Fraser} Elizabeth Jane Clark} Mabel Born Jan 2nd 1894 Both baptised in James Fraser's House on June 24th 1894
H. J. Kennedy} Lillie Edith McIntosh} Olive Edna Born July 4th 1893 Baptised at home July 16th 1894
Robert Blackwood} Elizabeth Clark} Muriel Eloise Born March 3rd. 1888 Baptised at home on Aug. 30th 1894 J.M.
Parents Children Date
A. C. McArthur} Annie Cresswell} Jessie Bell Born Febry 14th 1894 Baptised at home on the 18th September 1894. Present D. P. McArthur and wife; J. A. McArthur and wife, themselves all. Mrs. Cresswell and Louise and ourselves. We had a very pleasant time of it and got home here at 11 p.m. J.M.
William Irvine} Mary Francis Johnson} Bertha Jane Born Oct. 12th 1894 and baptised Nov. 7th 1894 at home, Martintown J. Matheson
Sandy Ross} Janet Robertson} Charles William Born 5th June 1894 Baptised at home on December 10th 1894 Parties present were John A. McDermid and his sister the members of the family and Mrs. Matheson and myself. J. Matheson
Parents Children Date
George Simons Ann Fraser Hugh Henderson born on June 13th, 1894 baptised March 13th 1895 at home, J. M.
Paul St. John Philip born February 27th 1894 baptised at William McNaughtons house at a meeting on Wednesday March 27th 1895
A F McIntosh Margaret Catherine born Nov 27th 1894 and baptised at home on May 23rd 1895
Murdoch A. Munro Flora Ann McDonald Murdoch Lindsay born Nov. 12th 1894 Baptised at home on June 13th 1895 I had Jennie Foulds with me there
Hugh St. John Mary Ellen Dore Dorina Ellen Adelide born August 18th 1894, baptised in William McNaughton's house on July 21st 1895, Sunday evening
Dan Mc G Keir Sarah Elizabeth Conors John Wesley born Jan 26th 1894 baptised May 27th 1895 at home
William McPherson Mary Janet Urquhart William Urquhart born January 27th 1895 baptised at home on July 12th 1895
Alex Calder Mary Janet Grant Hermiston born February 28th 1889
Alex Calder Mary Janet Grant Gordon Grant born Dec. 4th 1893, both Baptised together at home on Nov 8th 1895. J. Matheson
Parents Children Date
James May Lillie Niles Mabel Beatrice born Feb. 11th, 1896 baptised at home on March 11th 1896 Present were Mrs. & Mrs Wm Niles. We had tea with them that evening, J. M.
Alexander Calder, jun. Bella Flora McLennan John Donald born March 13th 1896 baptised at home May 21st 1896
Hugh Fraser Elizabeth Jane Clark Lawrence Clark born November 3rd 1895 baptised at home on June 21st 1896 at a meeting on Sunday evening. We had a large meeting -- Text -- `Ye are the light of the world' Tena McLennan with me, came home, fine night. J. Matheson
John McIntyre Catherine Elizabeth Ross Clifford Ross born Oct. 2nd 1895 baptised at home on June 26th 1896 J. Matheson
John D. McMartin Mary Johnston Mary Lois born April 27th 1896 baptised at Mr. Dixon's house on July 9th 1896 at ten o'clock and died at 12.30 of the same day, was buried on the 10th inst. in Martintown. J. Masterson
A. F. McIntosh Catherine Elizabeth Thomson Mabel Beatrice born Sept 9th 1895 baptised at home July 28th 1896
Rev. A. Russell, Janet Elizabeth Young Rhoda Scholar born June 23rd 1896 Lunenburg Ont baptised in the Church Lunenburg, and Communion Sabbath on the 6th of September 1896 J. Matheson.
William St. John Mary Deval Lawrence born March 1896 baptised September 24th 1896 in Mr. William McNaughton at a meeting. J. Matheson
J Matheson C A E McN John Rennick born on July 15th 1896 baptised by Dr. Kellock in Burns Church Oct 4th 1896
J A McArthur Grace L. McArthur Archie Wilber born Aug. 1st 1896 baptised at home on December 22nd 1896 There was quite a party present J Matheson
James Sangster Jessie Amelia Logie Jessie Marion born April 23rd 1896 baptised at home on December 24th 1896 J. Matheson
Parents Children Date
William Heuestin? Lucy Connibear Pearl born June 7th 1896 and baptised at home on January 15th, 1897
Hugh Alexander McBain Agnes Johnston Delbert James born on the 21st December 1896 and baptised at home on January 15th 1897
M A Munro Gordon Florence Ann McDonald Somerled born August 7th 1896 baptised at home on Friday 5th 1897 At a choir practice J M
A J McNaughton Christine Matheson Donald Wilfred born 22nd November 1896 baptised at home at a meeting on March 23rd 1897
A C McArthur Annie Cresswell Leonard Christie born Nov 1st 1896 baptised at the Manse on the way back from Donald McIntyres where we had a meeting of Session on the 2nd day of July 1897. This was also the birth day of the twins and they had a party of little ones here. The baptism was after they left. J. M.
Hugh Fraser Elizabeth Jane Clark Alice Victoria born July 31st 1897 baptised at F. D. McLennan house on Nov. 3rd 1897
Duncan S. Fraser Kate McLennan Simon Bartlett born Aug. 20th 1896 baptised at F D McLennan house on Nov. 3rd 1897
Donald F. McLennan Susan Isabella McRae John Farquhar born Aug. 14th 1897 baptised at home on the evening of Nov 3rd 1897. The three children at the same time. Mrs. M present, Miss Grant at home
Thomas Keir Catherine Janet Munro Janet Ann twins born Oct 2nd 1897
Thomas Keir Catherine Janet Munro Mary Ferguson twins born Oct 2nd 1897 baptised at Fergusons in the tenth on Nov 8th 1897 J Matheson
John McIntyre Catherine ElizabethRoss Margaret Hazel twins born Feb 15th 1897
John McIntyre Catherine Elizabeth Isabella Clarise twins born Feb 15th 1897 baptised at home on Dec. 13th 1897 Finlay and the wife were there and we spent a pleasant evening together.
Parents Children Date
D P McArthur Jennie McArthur Charles Lawrence born May 9th 1893
D P McArthur Jennie McArthur Alta Isabella born April 25th 1895 both baptised at home on the evening of the 20th January 1898 Mrs. M., myself, Mr & Mrs Mcfarlane and the members of the family were present John Matheson
. Childs Name .
Janet McDermid} George Blackwood} Harlely Dermid Born Dec. 5th 1898 Baptised at home June 23rd 1898. The Teacher Miss McNaughton was with me J. Matheson
Charles Christian Johnson} Martha Kettell} Charles Frederick Born June 19th 1898 Baptised in Church on July 3rd 1898, at Buckingham
. Cuyler Elder, Born May 28th 1898, The manse Kings Rd. Martintown, Ont. Baptised in the Manse, Summerstown in the forenoon by the Rev. Dr. Kenneth McDonald of Williamstown, Ont. Summerstown, Ont.
Parents Childs name Born
Herbert Aitken} Mary Cattanach} Rosella Donalda June 16th 1898 Baptised at home on Dec. 8th 1898
David McGibbon} Margaret McPherson} Allan Born Aug. 15th 1898 Baptised at home on 20th Dec. 1898
J. R. McDonald} Martha Dyer} Alexander Born Sept. 5th 1898 Baptised at home on January 18th 1899
Donald Matthias Foote} Harriet Alice Stewart} Edward Sandow? Born Oct. 9th 1899 Baptised in Mr . Stewarts house on Nov 17th 1899, J. Matheson
Norman Oxley} Elizabeth Ellen Kelly} Catherine Elizabeth Stewart Born Jan. 19th 1899 Baptised by her uncle Mal. Oxley of Montreal, on Sept. 28th,1899, at home J.M. Summerstown -
Parents . .
E. E. Chafee Jennie Stewart Margaret May Born on Dec. 23rd. 1899 Baptised in Church at Endeavour ??Meeting on April 25th 1900
J. M.} C.A.C.] Cuyler Elder Born 28th May 1898 Bap. Jan 12th 1900
Sydney C. Masterman} Elizabeth Kerr} Prank Lawrence Born March 15th 1900 Bap in Ch at C.E. Meeting Summerstown on June 13th 1900
William Benjamin Empy} Ida Estella Stewart} Bonnibel Estella Born Sept. 9th 1900 Baptised at home on Sept. 24th 1900
David McGibbon} Margaret McPherson} Mary Sinclair Born March 27th 1900 Baptised at J. R. McDonald's house on December 22nd 1900
Parents Names Childs Name .
J. R. McDonald} Martha Dyer} Lilian Born Sept 7th 1900 Baptised at home on December 22nd 1900
Randolph Cameron} Adelaide Renshaw} James Roderick Born Sept 30th 1900 Baptised at home on January 1st 1901
Samuel Benjamin Gilliland} Margaret Jane Lowe} Donald George Born March 31st 1901 Baptised Aug. 7th 1901 In Salem Church at C.E. Meeting
John Adams} Maggie Grant} Flora Catherine Born April 8th 1901 Baptised at home on Nov. 13th 1901
Parents Childs name date
Frances Alexander Nideau} Bertha Ross} Ernest Alexander Born Jan. 28th 1902 Baptised at home on April 26th 1902
Rev. J. Matheson C. A. E. McNaughton Margaret Irene. Little girl born to Rev. J. Matheson & C. A. E. McNaughton. Born at the manse, Summerstown, Ont. on April 18th, Friday, 1902 baptized in the Church Summerstown by Mr. Burnet on Sabbath morning Sept. 7th 1902, name Margaret Irene.
Isabel Catherine Currie} Mother Thurston Alexander Doherty} Elizabeth Muriel Born June 10th 1902 Baptised at home on July 14th Father 1902
Sydney C. Masterman} Father Elizabeth Kerr} Jessie Elma Born June 5th 1902 Baptised in Ch at C.E. Meeting Mother July 16th 1902
Parents name Childs name.
J. R. McDonald} Father Martha Dyer} Mother Marion Born May 16th 1902 Baptised at home on the afternoon of August 3rd "Sunday" 1902. Child sick.
Robert McNaught - F} Jane Bowden}M Jessie Marion Born March 14th 1903 Baptised at home on August 31st 1902 Transcribed up to this
Edwin Eugene Chafee} Jennie Stewart} Stewart Edward Born Oct. 15th 1902 Baptised at home on Friday eve,12th Dec.1902, Practice night
Baptisms in 1903
Parents names Child's name .
Donald Matthias Foote} Harriot Alice Stewart} John Allan Carlyle Born Sept 20th 1901 baptised at home, Summerstown Station on Oct. 15th 1903.
Donald Matthias Foote} Harriot Alice Stewart} Donald Farquhar Born July 5th 1903 Both [John & Donald] baptised at home, Summerstown Station on Oct. 15th 1903.
William Benjamin Empey} Ida Estella Stewart} Gurtrude Elena Born Jan. 10th 1903 Baptised on Oct 15th 1903 In Mr. Footes home Summerstown Station
Frank Alexander Naidow} Bertha Ross} William Henry Born August 29th 1903 Baptised at home on Monday Dec. 28th 1903
J. R. McDonald} Martha Dyer} Charles Hamilton Born on Aug. 6th 1904 Baptised in the Church at Endeavour meeting on Nov. 16th 1904.
Parents Names Childs name.
W. J. Haldsworth} Catherine Margaret Cattanach} Catherine Margaret Jennie Born January 20th 1905 Baptised at home on March 8th 1905"
F. A. Nidow} Bertha Ross} Duncan Leslie Born on June 10th 1905 Baptised at home at Summerstown on Nov. 28th 1905 by J. Matheson
Martha Maguire} Jas. A. Fraser} John Cecil Born on Dec. 4th 1905 Baptised at home on January 2nd 1906
Edward Albert Orr Johnston Lillie Baker Edward Albert Orr Born Sept 1st 1902 baptised at home Summerstown on May 17th 1906
Edward Albert Orr Johnston Lillie Baker Orrval Elsworth Born March 16th 1906 Both [Edward & Orrval] baptised at home Summerstown on May 17th 1906
Parents Names Childs Name.
Robert McNaught} Jane Bowden} Arthur Norman Born March 26th 1906 Baptised at home on June 21st 1906
J. Matheson} C. A. E. McNaughton} Milton MacNaughton Born in the manse, Summerstown on September 14th 1906 at 1.20 p.m. Baptised in Salem Church, Friday Oct. 6th 1907 by Rev. N. Waddell
Parents Names Childs name.
Isabella Mcpherson??} Mother Samuel McMath} Father Elizabeth Jane Born Sept. 21st.1906 Baptised at William McLeans house on Jany 25th 1907 J.M
Lillian Ada Jarrett} Allan Hugh McLean} William Clarence Born January 23rd 1906 Baptised at home on January 25th 1907. J. M.
Rev. J. Matheson} C. A. E. MacNaughton} Milton MacNaughton Born Sept 14th 1906 in Manse Baptised in Salem Church Summerstown, Ont. on Friday October 6th 1907 by Rev. N. Waddell before preaching preparatory? Sermon, Milton behaved very well.
Randolph Cameron} Adelaide Renshaw} George Alexander Born Feb. 12th 1905 Baptised at home on Nov. 13th1907.
George Francis Dyer} Gertrude Carpenter} Eva Anne Born on October 11th 1906 Baptised at home, Front Summerstown, Ont. on Dec.11th 1907
. Childs Name.
Allan H. McLean} Lillian Ada Jarrett} Arnold Jarrett Born on July 5th 1907 Baptised at home on March 7th 1908, at 5 p.m. and died the same evening at 7.30 p.m.
John Leslie Baker} Bell, Howden} Jacob York Born April 3rd 1906,and baptised at home (Walter Baker's place) on the evening of September 22nd,1908
John Leslie Baker} Bell, Howden} Walter David Born March 5th 1908 Both [Jacob & Walter] baptised at home (Walter Baker's place) on the evening of September 22nd,1908
Frank Alexander Nideau} Bertha Ross} Ross McCuaig Born January 21st,1909 Baptised in Salem Church on Wednesday July 28th 1909 at prayer meeting, J.M.
. Carrie Edna Haggerty Adult . Baptised in the Church (Salem) on September 26th Sunday morning, Childrens day 1909
Fred Radley Father Christina MacEwen Mother Stewart McNaughton Born Jan.26th 1907 Baptised at home on Nov. 4th 1909
. Child's name.
Alexander F. Dingwall Father Grace Elizabeth MacDonald Mother Helen Ann Born on Feburary 13th 1909 Baptised at the Manse Summerstown on the evening of Dec. 8th 1909
Samuel McMath Father Isabella Milbourne Mother Mary Agnes Born April 20th 1909 Baptised at a meeting at the home of S. C. Masterman on Dec. 13th 1909
Sydney C. Masterman Father Elizabeth Kerr Mother Harry Russel Born July 20th 1909 Baptised at home on Dec 13th 1909
George Ferguson Father Elizabeth Jane Chisholm Mother Bernard George Gurnsey Born Nov. 9th 1908 Baptised at home on Dec 16th 1909
Angus Daniel Cameron Father Isabella Annand? Mother Daniel Ross Born January 28th 1910 Baptised at home on Sept. 4th 1910 at night
Allan H. McLean Father Lilian Jarrett Mother Donald Edward Born July 28th 1909 Baptised in Church at Prayer meeting on April 5th 1911
Baptisms in 1912
George Ferguson Brown Father Elizabeth Jane Chisholm Mother Duncan Born on Feb. 4th 1912 Baptised at home on Feb 9th 1912 Mother died the day the child was born, Mothers funeral on Tuesday 6th 1912
Samuel McMath Father Isabella Melbourne Mother William Blain Born May 5th 1911 Baptised at the Manse on March 28th 1912 Mr. & Mrs.Chafee & Mr. & Mrs. Masterman and Mrs. Bell present
William Albert Brock Father Martha Melissa McInroyMother Elmer Smellie Brock Born April 22,08 Baptised in the Presbyterian Church, Fort William Canada, J. Matheson
Baptisms in 1913
Andrew Dougald James Cameron Father Florence May (Mae) Weaver Mother Margaret Isabel Born Dec. 27th 1912 Baptised at home on March 18th 1913 J. M. Minister
Sydney C. Masterman Father Elizabeth Kerr Mother James Arthur Born on June 19th 1913 Baptised on June 23rd 1913 Died on June 23rd at 6 p.m. Buried on June 24th 1913
Angus D. Cameron Father Isabella Annand Mother Emily Margaret Born December 12th 1901 Baptised at Hetherbrae Farm on August 25th 1913 J. Matheson
Randolph Cameron Father Adelaide Renshaw Mother Sarah Olive Born March 16th 1911 Both baptised by me at the same time at Hetherbrae Farm
Randolph Cameron Adelaide Renshaw Mother John Duncan Born July 28th 1913 Both baptised by me at the same time at Hetherbrae Farm
Angus D. Cameron Father Isabella Annand Mother Lillian Ruth born on Dec 25th 1912 Baptised at Hetherbrae Farm on August 25th 1913, Same time as her sister Emily Margaret, this should follow Emily Margaret in the book. J.M.

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