Prescott County Churches

Churches are In An alphabetical order by location. List is incomplete at present.

Pray The Rosary For Peace!

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Our titles in most cases are always available for those interested individuals who desire to purchase a copy & support our efforts. Thanks for this act of Kindness. AWF

The Catholic Churches in Prescott County are part of the Diocese of Ottawa which has a web site. More information on the Catholic churches listed below can be found on this site under the link Archdiocese then under the parishes link.

  1. Alfred
    St Victor Roman Catholic 1871
    297, rue St-Philippe
    Alfred ON K0B 1A0
    (613) 679-2259

  2. Barb
    Located on county Road 10 west of Highway 417.


  3. Chute-à-Blondeau
    St-Joachim Roman Catholic (1884)
    Chute-à-Blondeau ON K0B 1B0
    (613) 632-6186

  4. Curran
    St Luc Roman Catholic 1839
    Curran, ON K0B 1C0
    (613) 673-4348

  5. Fournier
    St Bernard Roman Catholic 1867
    5142, chemin du comté #10
    Fournier, ON K0B 1G0
    (613) 524-1046

  6. Hawkesbury
    Roman Catholic
    St-Alphonse de Liguori, (1901)
    L'Ascension de Notre-Seigneur-Jésus-Christ, (1957)
    St. Jude, (1959)
    372 Genevieve Street
    Hawkesbury ON K6A 2M1
    (613) 632-2464
    St-Dominique, (1964)

    Paroisse St-Pierre-Apôtre
    Église St-Alphonse
    470, rue Principale Est
    Hawkesbury ON K6A 1A9
    (613) 632-8661

  7. Lefaivre
    St-Thomas, Roman Catholic (1879)
    2050, rue Lajoie
    Lefaivre, ON K0B 1J0
    (613) 679-4333


  8. St-Jean-Baptiste, Roman Catholic (1836)
    1057, rue Queen
    L'Orignal ON K0B 1K0
    (613) 675-4497

  9. Curran (Pendleton)
    Our Lady of Divine Love
    2084 Concession 10 Road
    Curran (Pendleton) ON K0B 1C0
    (613) 673-4306

  10. Plantagenet
    St-Paul, Roman Catholic (1877)
    425, rue Water
    Plantagenet ON K0B 1L0
    (613) 673-4348

    Riceville, is RR#1 Fournier

  11. Church of God Prescott-Russell 524-3140
    Located R.R.1, Fournier

    The following was sent to me by Jim Fawcett. Mar.99 [Thanks Jim, awf]
    In Prescott County you made reference for a church listing under St Isadore for the Church Of God. The address reads as RR# 1 Fournier.
    The townsite of Riceville is RR#1 Fournier...Riceville had it's own post office until about 1971/72 the Postmaster was Willis Wilson.
    The Church of God at RR1 Fournier is the old Bapstist Church in Riceville and It also has an old cemetary with many of the Riceville Pioneers.
    Riceville has it's own United Church which is at the west end of the town.
    The original Methodist Church was removed and sold to a farmer by the name of Leslie Rowe and the church was moved to his farm and used as a barn, and I believe it is still standing...I can remember going into his barn as a child and I recall the lath and plaster on his barn walls and ceiling....
    Another cemetary near Riceville where many of the pioneers and their families are resting is at Franklins Corners...

    St. Anne de Prescott, Ontario

    Ste-Anne Roman Catholic (1885)

  12. Catholic Church
    Located on north side, east end of town
    719, rue Principale
    Ste-Anne-de-Prescott ON K0B 1M0
    (613) 674-2911


  13. East Hawkesbury United Church
    Located on south side, west end of town


  14. St. Bernardin, Ontario
    St-Bernardin, Catholic Church (1912)
    119, rue de l'Église
    St-Bernardin ON K0B 1N0
    (613) 678-3257

    St. Eugene, Ontario

  15. St-Eugene Roman Catholic (1855)
    1108, rue Labrosse
    St-Eugène ON K0B 1P0
    (613) 674-2052


  16. St. Isidore de Prescott, Ontario
    St-Isidore, Roman Catholic(1879)
    4548, rue Ste-Catherine
    St-Isidore ON K0C 2B0
    (613) 524-2860

  17. Treadwell ONT
    Paroisse St-Léon-le-Grand
    124, chemin du comté #9
    Treadwell ON K0B 1L0
    (613) 673-4348

    Vankleek Hill, Ontario

  18. St-Gregoire de Nazianze, Catholic Church, (1878)
    137, rue Higginson
    Vankleek Hill ON K0B 1R0
    (613) 678-2610

  19. Vankleek Hill Baptist Church

  20. Wendover ON
    Paroisse St-Benoît-Labre
    3182, rue Principale
    Wendover ON K0A 3K0
    (613) 673-4348

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Page created Jan.12.99
Updated Nov 03

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