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Any Comments to Alex Fraser

RESEARCHING IN ...USA, UK, Ontario, Quebec

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Table of Contents
Our titles in most cases are always available for those interested individuals who desire to purchase a copy & support our efforts. Thanks for this act of Kindness. AWF

  1. Researching in Canada,

    1. Canadian Genealogy and History Links: National

    2. Canada GenWeb Page

    3. Cyndi's Canada Index

  2. Researching in Ontario

    1. Canadian Genealogy and History Links: Ontario

    2. Cyndi's Ontario Sites

    3. Ontario GenWeb Page

    4. Ontario Vital Statistics --- New 9 /2000

    5. Ontario Vital Statistics: Registrations of B M D --- New 3 /2009

    6. Ontario Genealogy Web sites Links --- New 3 /2009

    7. Glengarry - Prescott - Stormont - Soulanges - Vaudreuil County Home page

      1. Glengarry County; Alex W Fraser's Book Announcements, BMD, genealogy & history --- New 3 /2009

      2. 2008 Book announcements --- New 3 /2009

      3. 2007 Book announcements --- New 3 /2009

      4. Gravestones of Glengarry Series --- New 3 /2009


      6. Some Glengarry Baptisms, Marriages & Deaths ---

    8. Stormont GenWeb

  3. Researching in Quebec

    1. researching in Quebec

    2. Also the AFGS
      The American French Genealogical Society who produce a publication called "Je Me Souviens"

    3. Soulanges/Vaudreueil GenWeb Page

    4. French Canadian Ancestors

    5. French Canadian Ancestors
    6. Canadian Genealogy and History Links: Quebec


    8. Cyndi's Quebec List

  4. Researching in United Kingdom & Ireland

    1. Cyndi's United Kingdom Sites Research links for those searching their British, Welsh, Irish roots.

    2. BILL LAWSON'S WEB PAGE e mail or lawsonbil[at] Family Tree Research in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland

    3. Scottish Genealogy Society A genealogy link for starting research in Scotland.

    4. Public Records Office National Archives For the United Kingdom.

    5. General Register Office for Scotland
      The General Register Office for Scotland is the UK Government department responsible for the registration of births, marriages, deaths, divorces and adoptions in Scotland, and for carrying out periodic censuses of Scotland's population.

      Other UK Sites of Interest

    6. Virtual Herbides

    7. Scotland's People


    8. Irish Genealogical Society International

    9. Irish Genealogical Research Society

    10. Cyndi's List Ireland

    11. 12 Top Web Sites for Researching Irish Ancestors li> Ireland GenWeb Page

  5. Researching in United States
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updated March. 2009

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