Source of Supply For Glengarry Area [GPSSV] Books
Our titles in most cases are always available for those interested individuals who desire to purchase a copy & support our efforts. Thanks for this act of Kindness. AWF
STORES Book Stores --- Individuals --- Organizations.
These Books Stores sell local books dealing with the Glengarry, Stormont, Prescott County Area
- The Glengarry Book Store, 124 Main Street South, Alexandria, Ontario K0C IA0
Closed as of the end of May 2004
- THE SANCTUARY 217 PITT, CORNWALL, ON K6J 3P8. Is no longer in exsistance to my knowledge.
- Gordon H. Day Books
Gordon H. Day - Used Books, 400 Stewart St. Apt. 2005, Ottawa, ontario K1N 6L2 Canada, Phone: (613) 789-0428 , Fax: n/a
Mr. Day now has an active e mail address and new web page set up from Ottawa, Ontario. 9/99
- Old Authors Book shop
Morrisburg, Ontario
Old Authors has a wide range of used and collectible books, with
concentrations in early electro-technology (radio, wireless, telephony,
telegraphy, electricity, and television). We operate an open store in
scenic Morrisburg, Ontario, and are open April 1 to November 30,
Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 to 5, and at other times by
appointment or chance. We purchase single books or libraries,
particularly in our areas of specialty. e mail
- Global Genealogy Books for SDG County
On this web site you will find a variety of books on the area.
- Second Time Around Books, 58 Main Street South, Alexandria, Ontario K0C 1A0 Canada
Sold in 2012, has new owner, name changed.
Tel. # 613-525-9940,
e mail
- David G Anderson Books
Williamstown, Ontario
Phone: 613-347-7192
 - "The History of Maxville and the Community" 2011 reprint New 5/11
The Glengarry District Women's Institute have reprinted the 45 year old book "The History of Maxville and the Community" which includes Athol, St. Elmo, Dominionville as well as the history of 32 prominent men.
The book has 93 pages of info on pages - both sides. We added an index and the copyright info page as well as an afterword at the end. No illustrations or photos. It is the normal 81/2x11" format with black coil rings.
We didn't set up any payment plan so people ordering from 'away' need to mail a cheque made out to the 'Glengarry District Women's Institute.'I would mail them out individually as I found to mail two together cost over $13.00 for postage.
Their cheques/orders should be sent to me Susan Robertson 21672 Concession 3 Rd., Bainsville, ON K0C 1E0 or order through my email and send the cheque by snail mail.
We only printed 125 copies and 40 are gone now so it seems to be a success. It is a fund raiser for the Women's Institute but I felt it is so full of info that the book should be again in circulation.
It is available from me Susan Robertson 613 347-2935 and e mail sumac @ for $12.50 plus postage and handling of $4.00.
Thanks for your interest.
- Mrs. Carmen Howes, 1360 Old Military Road, [Kirk Hill, north of Churches], R. R. #1, Dalkeith, Ontario K0B 1E0 phone # (613) 525-2942.
THE Clan MacLeod Society for the book MacLeods of Glengarry 1793 - 1993
- Mrs. Thelma McDonald,
412 York Street, Cornwall, Ontairo K6J 3Z5. Phone # (613) 932-3440 For the book McCormicks of Glengarry. Thelma McDonald and Mary Devine of Cornwall are now both dead, having passed away in early 2004.
- Mrs. Onagh Ross, P.O. Box 88, Martintown, Ontario K0C 1S0, Tel 1-613-528-4488 For in part, the following books
Story of Martintown, Horse and Buggy days by Rhodes Grant, Lancaster Village and Township by Ewan Ross
- The Montgomery Family Montgomery Family
If you have a Montgomery connection/relative in your family From The Roxborough Township of Stormont County, give this Montgomery genealogy a look over.
- For the following titles 7/99
The Campbells and other Glengarry-Stormont and Harrington Pioneers 1983, out of print hard to get The Kennedys-MacDiarmids-McDermids-Munroes and other Glengarry - Stormont Pioneers 1986 MacDougalls-MacEwens-Stewarts-Munroes-Robertsons 1990
you may contact the Author R. B. Campbell, 2084 Naskapi Ave, Ottawa, Ontario K1J 8M3 Canada Phone # (613) 731-6336 for further information on availability.
- The Canadian Hay Crop 1815 - 1983,
by William C Hay, 1983, 154 pages about the Hay Family in Glengarry County. Includes references to census, cemetery inscriptions, Hay Index, Surname Index etc.
For more information Contact Mrs. Leigh Hay-LeBlanc, Ottawa, Ontario. E mail 9/99 updated 8/00
- A CAREY FAMILY HISTORY 1786 - 1988 1988 genealogy,
Contact Marie M. Carey, P.O. Box 36, Islay, Alberta, T0B 2J0, Tel #780-744-2205 new 3/2000
Copies of the book are $47.50, plus $5 shipping in the USA, total
$52.50 or $15 shipping to Canada, total $62.50, all USA money, check or
money order.
Send your order to: Herman Witthoft, 141 Hudson Ave., Chatham,
NY USA, Tel: 518-392-4544, e-mail:
- "Bainsville, People & Places, past & Present",
published in 1999 by the Bainsville Women's Institute ?
For further information on availability contact Mrs. Harold Fourney (Ruth) at R. R. #1, Bainsville, Ontario, KOC IEO - Tel. 613 - 347-3344. New 9 /2001 Mrs. Harold Fourney (Ruth), of Bainsville, Ontario passed away on June 20th 2012. Update /June 2015
- History of St. Regis Catholic Church, New 12/03
by Rosemary Bonaparte & Darren Bonaparte 1998 about 130 pages, illustrated
For further information on availability contact Rosemary Bonaparte, Box 15, St. Regis, Quebec H0M 1A0
Tel # 613-575-2799
 Dalkeith History Society New 5/11 PO Box 88, Dalkeith, Ontario K0B 1E0 Tel # 613-874-2514 BY EMAIL: DalkeithHS(at)
web site
New publications Dalkeith Bicentennial Heritage Cookbook, size 6x8.5, 100 p, illustrated Dalkeith Bicentennial Heritage Booklet 2011, size, 8.5x11, 40 p, illustrated
check out the web site and for more info
Glengarry Historical Society p. O. Box 416, Alexandria, Ontario K0C1A0,
E mail " David G. Anderson, " Contact GHS for Copies of
- S. D. G. County Library,
P. O. Box 217, Finch, Ontario K0C 1K0 Canada Phone # [613] 936-8777 For the books Stormont Dundas and Glengarry 1786 - 1945 by John G. Harkness and Stormont Dundas and Glengarry 1945 - 1978 by Francis Marin.
- John Coutts Library Services Limited,
6900 Kinsmen Court, P.O. Box 1000, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 7E7 -- Phone # 905-356-6382 --Fax # 905-356-5064 or --1-800-263-1686 Web site Coutts library Services Limited
E mail
- Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc.
Web page Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. 8/99
1001 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-3897
Phone: 800-296-6687 or 410-837-8271
Fax: 800-599-9561 or 410-752-8492
E mail
The Loyalists in Ontario.
The Sons and Daughters of the American Loyalists of Upper Canada
William D. Reid
418 pp., Indexed. (1973), 1994. ISBN 0806314400.
Item #CF-4865
Cloth. $27.00 US.
More About This Book:
In the years following the close of the American Revolutionary War, there was a special provision that made
the children of the Loyalists who settled in Ontario eligible for land grants free of fees as they came of age or
married. The compiler of this work extracted from the Canadian Orders-in-Council thousands of references to
the land grants made to these sons and daughters and arranged them systematically under the names of their
Loyalist parents. The references in the Orders-in-Council generally provide, in the case of sons, the name of
the petitioner, his place of residence, and the name of his father--the Loyalist through whom he claimed the
land grant. In the case of daughters, the reference states the name of her husband, her place of residence, and
the name of her father. Mr. Reid has also supplied, from additional sources, marriage dates, birth and death
dates, and the names of wives of the sons of the Loyalists.
- Amazon.Com USA
- Canada
- Books Com
- Book Stacks Unlimited "Your local bookstore, no matter where you live!" Book Stacks offers
nearly one-half million books plus 190,000 book reviews,
- Global Genealogy Supply, Sandra Roberts,
- 158 Laurier Avenue, Milton, Ontario L9T 4S2 Phone # 1-800-361-5168
Everything for the Family Historian, Books, Genealogical Supplies, etc.
Subject: Reprint of Cyrus Thomas' History of Argenteuil & Prescott Counties.
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 23:33:53 -0400
From: Lusk
Hello, Alex:
Good news!
This book has been printed recently by a Toronto firm.
The two editions are exact reproductions of the Mika edition.
Orders should go to
Global Genalogy Co.,
13 Charles St.,
Milton, Ont.
L9T 4S2
Fax: 1-905-875-1887
E mail Global Genealogy
Catalog# Price GST Postage Total$
Hard cover 1012031 $45.00 3.15 3.95 $52.10
Soft cover 1012032 $33.00 2.31 3.00 $38.31
I recommend the hard cover edition. The binding on the soft cover version will not take
much abuse.
You may wish to include it in your page instead of your current note which refers to me.
My project is now dead, but I'm grateful to Globe for republishing this invaluable work.
Thanks anyway.
John Lusk Argenteuil Historical Society, P.O. Box 5, Lachute, Quebec J8H 3X2,
- Quintin Publications
- We are the only full time American supplier of quality genealogical materials relating to Canada.
- Search, 5/99
a fast, free search engine to help you find used, rare, and out of print books.
- C I H M
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproduction
P.O. Box 2428 Station D
Ottawa, ontario K1P 5W5
Phone 613-235-2628
Fax 613-235-9752
Here is a list of some items dealing with a few area families [Fraser, Pringle, Cattanach] that we recently came across at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC that might be interest to viewers.
Back to GPSSV Page Alex Titles Page Any Comments, Contact Alex
May Jesus and Mary Always Be Praised
Mar. 98
updated/corrected 6/15 AWF