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The following was received from Marcia Taylor
Isabella Graham Letters to brother Charles WesleyTo Mr Chas Westley Jr, Lancaster C.W. from his sister Isabella Graham, wife of John Graham, great grandmother of Claude Graham, while visiting her mother in Gloucester, near Bytown, sent from Bytown UC, December 21 1853, 3P postageGloucester December 20th 1853 Dear Brother I have just returned from town this evening I was with Mamma since Sunday we are sorry to hear of the little Baby Death which I thought woulg help to make up Dear little Bellas place but it seems it was not the Almitys will and his not ours to be done Dear Charles we have many warnings every day of the uncertainty of this life and we must expect that the Almity will call on us in our turn as well as others and Dear Brother we are shure that the little Pets are at rest out of the cares and trobels of this world whare whare we are struggling with many of them I am sorry to tell you that Mamma is not so well this some time she is abel to walk around pretty smart but she is not so strong nor can move through the house so well as she did & hardly eats any thing upon the whole she is not near so well as she was the Dr says that she is to mutch by herself & gets time to ponder over her feelings she is very mutch taken up with the Doctor and he is all worthy of it he is one of the finest of men I think Ma frets since I left no doubt we both feel very lonesome but since I left I cannot be always with her I am happy to say that his Mother Sister and Brothers do all they can to make me happy but still I feel very lonesome times for John has not been home since I mentioned in my last nor cannot come down untill the week after New Year as Mr Skead is very busy up & down & cannot take his place until then and one of them must be their constant or it will not do (oh how I would like to go down and see you all and if it is possible that he can spare as mutch time when he is home which will be about the middle of January perhaps we might go down but I will not promis as I have not mentioned any thing to him about it I cannot say that I like this lumbering very mutch when we are too or three months without seeing the folks Dear Charles it was a great comfort to us to heir (?) that mutch itself of Thornton to know that he is alive and well but what on earth is his reason for not writing but I suppose You will say that I am as neglagant as him are we going to see any of you up this winter we heard that You was to be up the first slaying & I hope that we will not be disapointed write soon & let me know how all of the folks are how is the Cameron family give my love to Papa Cathrin & all inquirers if their is any kiss little Emily Eveline & Charly for me & tell them not to forget Anty Bella & remember your ever afectionate Sister Isabella ... the last as one of the boys is waiting for it adress Mrs John Graham Glocester near adress Bytown ------ Gloucester February 3th 1854 Dear Brother I hope you will forgive my long silence this time when I explain the reason if I may ofer an excuise or two or three of them I may commence by telling You that we had a Weding here last friday that put us about a little for it came of sooner than we expected and my good Man left on the tuesday after so betwin all I had hardly time to answer Your letter as I have a good deal to say and I am once more disapointed in my visit to L (Lancaster?) for it was not posibel as John thought when he came down that was on the I I th of last month and a few days before he left they had bought out another concern that is limits (?) made timber Shanty Men & all and it is 8 miles from the other Shanty which makes it very inconvenient for me to look after both so John did not intend spending but ten days at home & was to leave a week last monday as it was not thought at that time that his brother Wiliam would be maried untill the 1st of this month instead of that it came of on the 27 of the last so it has put us all about a little ... (?) John a week longer than he intended which if he had known at first we would have paid you a visit You said you suposed I had got over my lonesome fit but i am now more lonesome than ever as he does not intend coming home again for 5 months which is a very very long time time to look forward but when I know what his feelings are & that he cannot be here and there both I must try and make my self happy & make the time as short as posible but you said you war coming up to see us I hope we will not be disapointed in your visit as i was in mine but I should like you to come before the last of this month as William has promised to bring his wife Johns wife & Sister up to Lanark & to the Shanty about the last of this month and Dear Charles I would not like to be away from home when you would come I must tell You something now about the old friends Mama.. a good de..l better than when I wote last I think you will be very mutch surprised when You see her so smart in walking about Aunt Uncle and all the rest of the friends are well John is spending the most of his time down at the Mill Dan is about home they have not heard a word about Murdoch Yet Mr. A. McPhersons family are well Mr. Mc is clerk or foreman I cannot say which for some person at the sha... Alexander is clerk in a store in (?) the river about 300 miles above this I do not remember name of the place Mrs Mc is sleeping in a small grocery in town Lily is very near as big as her mamma she & Juli Ann are tending the dancing school I do not attend as a scholar their ware some inquries made of Mr & Mrs ..G the night they ware their what had becom of Miss Westley nothing more at present I remain do not take piti on me your ever afectionite Sister Isabella write soon ---------------- A List of Westley Births & C ( ) from 1723 down to 1816Ralph the Son of Ralph and Mary Westley Born November 26th 1723 According to the New Stile December 7th. Married to Ann Hunt octor 22nd, 1747 According to the New Stile 23rd---- Ralph Westley died at (Dianes) burgh May 17th 1800 his wife died Feb 24th 1791 Ann the Daughter of Ralph and Ann Westley Born August 12th, 1748 According to the New Stile 23rd --------------------------- Charles the Son of the Aforesaid, Ralph and Ann Westley Born August 15th 1749 According to the New Stile 26th ----------------------- Robert the Son of the Aforesaid Ralph and Ann Westley Born Sep'r 25th 1750, died Dec'r 6th following Old Stile -------------------------. Mary the Daughter of the Above Ralph and Ann Westley Born Octo'r 16th 1752 N. Stile Robert the Son of the Above Ralph and Ann Westley Born Sep r 30th 1754. Died at the six Weeks end or thereabout ------------- Elizabeth the Daughter of the Above Ralph and Ann Westley Born August 3rd 1756. Died Dec'r 6th following ------------------ Joseph the Son of the Above Ralph and Ann Westley Born August 25th 1759 Elizabeth the Daughter of the Above Ralph and Ann Westley Born oct'r 17th 1761 Charles the Son of the Above Ralph and Ann Westley Married to Mary Thornton Dec'r 17th, 1778, she was Born April 19th, 1754 - died March 1810 1-- Dorcas Daughter of Charles and Mary Westley born July 1779, baptized August 15th following by the Rev d Mr. Stuart at Fort Hunter on the Mohawk River -----(Mrs Hare) ------------ 2-- Ralph the Son of the Above Chas and Mary Westley Born March 15th 1781 Baptized 14th May following by the Rev d Mr. Stuart at Schenectady ----------------------------------------------- 3-- Charles the Son of the Above Cha a and Mary Westley Yd Born March 16th 1783. Baptized April 25th following by the Rev Mr. Dempster in Schenectady ------------------------------------------ 4-- Mary Thornton Daughter of the Above Chas and Mary Westley Born March 1st, 1785. Baptized May 1st following by the Rev d Mr. Romine in Schenectady --------------------------------------- 5-- Ann Hunt Daughter of the Above Chas and Mary Westley Born Dec 24th 1787 Baptized by the Rev'd Mr. Romine Schenectady ------------ 6-- Clarissa Daughter of the Above Chas and Mary Westley Born March 13th 1789 Baptized by the Rev'd Mr. Bethune Lancaster turn over 7-- Elizabeth Daughter of the Aforesaid Chas and Mary Westley Born March 25th 1792 Baptized by the Rev'd Mr. Bethune at Charlottenberg Sir Johns Point 8-- Catherine Daughter of the Above Chas and Mary Westley Born Feby 3th 1795 Baptized by the Rev d Mr. Bethune Charlottenberg --Died May 5th 1882 ----------------------------------------- Alexander Son of Ralph and Marjerey Westley Born May 4th 1808 --------- Mary Westley Daughter of the Aforesaid Ralph and Marjerey Westley Born Octr 10th 1810 -------- Mary Dixon, Daughter of William and Ann Hunt Dixon Born April 1st 1809 ---------- Robert Son of the Aforesaid William and Ann Hunt Dixon Born Nov 17th 1810 --------- Mary Daughter of Charles and Isabel Westley Born dec'r 7th 1816 ------ Back to The GPSSV Query Page page created Jan.12.2000 updated Nov 2012 Return to GPSSV Homepage |