GPSSV Area Books Wanted And Books For SALE

If you have a copy or an extra copy of any of these titles which you would like to sell, contact the person concerned, stating the price you wanted including postage.
You should contact the person interested in a particular title directly with the information provided, regular mail, e mail etc. .
This page will be updated as I become aware of the titles so listed as being obtained by the interested party.

Should you wish a request for an GPSSV area title or have a title for sale, disposed of and listed on this page, kindly contact Alex W Fraser with the relevant information, title, hard or soft cover, condition, your name, e mail address, regular mailing adddress and tel #. which will be listed for direct contact to you.

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Our titles in most cases are always available for those interested individuals who desire to purchase a copy & support our efforts. Thanks for this act of Kindness. AWF


The St Lawrence River, hc,
by George W Browne, illustrated, MCMV, 385p, Library of Congress # 761380
Price $15.00 + shipping
The Empire of the St Lawrence,
Donald Creighton, 1956, hc, 447p, EmpireofStLawrence
Price $18.00 + shipping
The Seaway Story
by Carleton Mabee, hc, 1961,
Library of Congress # 60-13813, 315 p,
Price $10.00 + shipping
The Highlands & Islands of Scotland in Colour,
by Jenny Carter, 1983, ISBN 0713438258, illustrated, 65 p,
Price $18.00 + shipping
Canadian Folk-Life and Folk-Lore, 1897 reprint,
by William Parker Greenough, hc, 1971, 215 p,
Price $18.00 + shipping
County Fairs of Ontario, SC,
by Grace Deutsch, 144 p.
Price $9.00 + shipping
The Pagan Religion of the Ancient British Isles
by Ronald Hutton, HC, 300p, illustrated, 1991,
ISBN 0631172882
Price $18.00 + shipping
Britain and the Empire from 1603
by E L Daniher, 1947, HC, 370p,
with many photos
$5.50 + Shipping
Historic Ontario
SC, many illustrations, by Ontario Tourism, no date,
$9.00 + Shipping
A Holiday History of Scotland,
by Ronald Hamilton,
HC with jacket, MCMLXXV, Library of Congress # 7775337,
225 p, many photos
$8.00 + Shipping
The Scenic St Lawrence 1968, by Philip Mason, scenicstlawrence
The Story of America's most historic River, in picture & word, 96 p,
$10.00 + Shipping
Tartan Day Celebrations 1993 SC, illustrated, tartanday93
$10.00 + Shipping SOLD
Sketches of Rural Ontario sketchruralont
2004, ISBN 0919352456, by GWJ Duncan & Thoreau MacDonald, 55p,
$9.00 + Shipping
Contact Alex for next step

Name: Darlene Demers


surnames: McDougall, McRae, McDonald

Date: March 27, 2001, updated 9/2/02

query: Looking for the following books:
MacDougalls, MacEwens, Stewarts, Munroes, Robertsons and others - Glengarry Stormont Pioneers by R.B. Campbell 1990 and
Maxville It's Centennial Story 1891-1991

  • April . 2001 Name: Keith Presley


    surnames: Presley, Fitzpatrick, cryderman,Johnson

    Date: 1765 - 1840

    query: Books Wanted:

    I am trying to obtain a copy of "Our Kindred Spirits" by George D. Mitchell, ISBN 0-9690881-2-4 copyright 1995 published privately by Lowe Martin Ottawa Ontario

    Any lead or ideas would be appreciated. ( I have seen it listed on the Macdonald institute but they are sold out .

    E mail Keith

  • Aug.2000 Suzette Fraser-Mayling, P.O. Box 23, Roblin, Ontario K0K 2W0 Tel #613-388-2970 no e mail address available.
    is interested in
  • The Round Church St. Andrew's United Church, 150th anniversary, Dalhousie Mills, Ont.
  • The Kennedys, MacDiarmids, Munroes by R. B. Campbell
  • Apple Hill Centennial by Isabella Fraser
  • Butternuts & Maple Sugar by Elsie MacMillan

  • Aug.2000 Alex Fraser this request made to me by a library in Texas, USA
    • Maxville It's Centennial Story 1891-1991, either soft or hard cover.

    • June.2002 Name: Betti Gallpen
      surnames: Maxville Its Centennial Story
      query: I would like to have a copy of "Maxville Its Centennial Story". My parents, Isabel Ross Campell and Charles E. Nix are listed in it. Could you please advise me how to get a copy of this book.
      Thank you.

  • June .2000Heather Bethune, 37 Hillsboro Drive, Cambridge, Ontario N1S 3T8
    Tel # 519-621-9729
    • The History of the MacLennans

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