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Cat. #2028 -- 1991 In Canada $55.00 + $16.00 shipping = $71.00 can funds includes shipping To USA Cat. #2028 $55.00 +$28.00 = Cost $83.00 Can funds includes shipping to USA
Cote St. George Presbyterian
Church, BMD & Cemetery Inscriptions Soulanges County
dedication ----------------------------------------------------------- p. 5
introduction ------------------------------------------------------- p. 7
cote st. george church ---------------------------------------- p. 11
baptisms, marriages 1843 -1883 ------------------------ p. 15
baptisms, marriages,
deaths 1927 - 1990 ------------------------------ p. 111
baptism, marriage, death entries gleaned
from the annual reports 1904- 1926 ------------- p.169
cote st george cemetery
gravestone inscriptions -------------------------- p.193
macnaughtan family cemetery
gravestone inscriptions & bible ---------------- p.211
aphabetical name index -------------------------------- p.217
sources of information ----------------------------------- p.313
stone masons ----------------------------------------- p.313
appendix ----------------------------------------- p.314
church deed french -------------------------- p. 315
church deed english ---------------------- p. 319
church specifications ------------------ p.321
Illustrations by James Blanchard.
cote st. george area map ------------------------------between page 8 & 9.
cote st. george church front view --------------------between page 10 & 11
cote st. george church, cemetery, side view ------- between page 192 & 93
Cat# 2028 1991 ISBN10 0-921307-26-8
in Canada, Cost $55.00 Can funds + $16.00 shipping & handling = total $71.00 includes shipping to USA, Cost $57.00 US funds+ $28.00 shipping & handling = total $83.00 includes shipping