May Jesus & Mary always be Praised

St Raphael's Catholic Church Baptisms Marriages Deaths 1804 1835, St Raphael's West, Ontario, Glengarry County

New Sep 2013 St Raphael's BMD 1804-1835

Also a complimentary copy of this work has been donated
to the Glengarry Archives, Williamstown, Ontrio

Cat #5204

St Raphael's BMD 1804 1835
Introductory Special

St Raphael's BMD 1804 1835
on CD in pdf format

930 pages see details below

$79.00 NOW $69.00 shipping included by regular mail

payment options
Canada -- cheque, Money order, direct deposit to my
TD account or PayPal to jars924 @
from USA Money order or Paypal to jars924 @

Contact Alex W Fraser for next step
or call 866 517 2113 toll free

Kindly allow sufficient time for processing & delivery to your location.
Shipping is by regular surface mail

St Raphael's BMD 1804-1835 unbound, ready to bind, 4 inches thick

a complimentary copy of this work has been donated to St Raphael's Parish,
St Raphael's West, Ontario. Also to Legal Deposit/Library & Archives Canada,
Ottawa, Ontario. Also to the Glengarry Archives, Williasmtown, Ontrio

There will be several purchase options available for this work, St Raphael's RC BMD 1804 - 1835
Available on CD with intro, B M D, index, total 930 pages in pdf format $79.00 ISBN13 978-0-921307-79-2

Coming as a Download

  1. intro, B M D, index, total 930 pages in pdf format $75.00 OR by part
  2. intro & Baptisms down load 541 pages @$45.00
  3. intro & Marriages download 136 pages @ $35.00
  4. intro & Deaths download, 71 pages @$25.00
  5. intro & Name index -- see sample format below -- 127 pages @ $65.00
Contact Alex for next step

Another option
I am willing to offer on an individual request basis, are requests for B M D for a particular year(s).
This would include whatever Birth Death Marriages were available in a particular year.
Cost $12.50 per year for 1st 2 years. 3 or more years $9.99 per year.

A Single year, be it of Baptisms, or of Marriages or of Deaths will be $5.00 per B or M or D
This will be done by either email attachment or download link. Contact Alex for next step

straphBMDunbound0435 straphbound0435 straphbound20435
The above photos show the works of St Raphael's BMD 1804-1835 of 930 pages
unbound on left and bound on right, 4 inches in height

There will tentatively be available, in printed format ISBN 978092130778, this 930 page work, softcover 8.5" x 11", cerlox bound @ $99.00 + shipping of $18.00
to a Canadian address for a total of $117.00
To a USA address $125.00 canadian funds. This work will be at least 2 volumes

Printing the 22 category heading index is the challenge, as to be readable it will have to be printed on a page bigger than 8.5 x 14.
Here I have succeeded in getting this index on an 8 1/2x11 page and readable. It had to be reduced to 58%

This work has
Part #1
Introduction 83 pages
The introduction also includes a list of what is on the Microfilm for St Raphael's from our files as well as a list & cross reference as to what
is on in the Drouin records for St Raphaels

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Table of Contents
Our titles in most cases are always available for those interested individuals who desire to purchase a copy & support our efforts. Thanks for this act of Kindness. AWF

Contact Alex

Baptisms 1804 1835 514 pages
Part #2
Baptisms p.1 to p.514 The items in brackets [B M D ] are the number of B, M, D for a particular years. Thus, in this work 1806 has 46 baptisms, 10 marriages, 14 deaths listed
1804[B21,M0,D0], 1805[B55,M9,D10], 1806[B46,M10,D14], 1807[B58,M7,D8,], 1808[B36, M18,D7,], 1809[B65,M9,D6], 1810[B74,M15,D3,], 1811[B99,M25,D3], 1812[B92,M14,D1,], 1813[B72,M7,D0,], 1814[B72,M14,D0], 1815[B109,M25,D2], 1816[B137,M19,D17], 1817[B156,M14,D26,], 1818[B151,M23,D15,], 1819[B137,M16,D14,], 1820[B82,M27,D12,], 1821[B141,M18,D5,], 1822[B125,M25,D13,], 1823[B7,M5,D1,], 1824[B50,M0,D0], 1825[B38,M2,D0], 1826[B53,M11,D10], 1827[B207,M25,D24], 1828[B174,M35,D33,], 1829[B199,M43,D25,], 1830[B185,M40,D21], 1831[B195,M26,D22], 1832[B156,M21,D22], 1833[B92,M13,D4,], 1834[B168,M24,D32,], 1835[B208,M30,D11].

marriages 1805 1835 136 pages
Part #3
Marriages p.515 to 650
1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, No 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827,1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835.

Deaths 1805 1835 71 pages
Part #4
Deaths p. 651 to 721
1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, [no deaths recorded for 1813, 1814,] 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, [ no deaths recorded for 1824, 1825,] 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835.

Part #5
Name Index 1804-1835 127 pages of over 5100 entries
This index leaves nothing out. In short, each name entry line has all the relevant information listed in that entry from the church records

St Raphael's 1804-1835 Total number of pages 930

Sample index
This index is under 22 headings of which not all heading have information and is as follows.
Surname, Christian, Middle name, item, Birth yr, Month day, Baptised, Father, Mother, Married,Spouse, Death Yr, Death date, burial date, Location, Sponsor godfather, Sponsor godmother, priest, Witness, Ref, Notes, Age,

Surname Christian Middle name item Birth yr Month day Baptised Father Mother Married Spouse Death Yr Death date burial date Location Sponsor godfather Sponsor godmother priest Witness Ref Notes Age
Cuilliereiere Emilie
Aug 17
Cuillierier, Joseph Leger, Margaret dec 1835 Trembley, Jean Baptiste

Riis. Epps. Tab Theoteila Trembley,
Pauline Trembley and Joseph Pilon.

Cuillierie Marguerite
Nov 18
Cuillierie, Joseph Ledger, Mary dec 1834 Yarnaut, John

Riis. Epps. Tab Joseph Cuillierie and of Emilie Cuillierie SRAP

Keating Jane
B28 1833 Dec 10 Feb 22 1834 Keating, Thomas McDougald, Ann

Loch 6C Macdonald, Angus MacDonald, Catherine John MacDonald

Kelly Catharine
B40 1832 Mar 16 Mar 18 1832 Kelly, John Holly, Mary

Bryne, Patrick Quigly, Mary John Cassidy

MacDonell Senior Ranald

1831 Sep 12 Sep 14 1831 Lanc 6C

John Cassidy Finlay MacRae, Donald MacDonell and Doctor Chisholm. SRAP

MacDonell, Isabella
Jun 19
MacDonell, John MacDonald, Elisabeth 1821 MacDonell, Alexander

J MacDonald Donald MacDonell, John MacDonell SRAP

O Connor Catherine
B135 1834 Nov 16 Dec 16 1834 O Connor, Patrick Griffin, Bridget

Lanc 3C none listed
John MacDonald

Robertson Daniel
B149 1831 Sep 3 Sep 24 1831 Robertson, Donald MacDonell, Flora

Loch 11C Bathurst, William McCulloch, Bella John MacDonald

Watson Elisabeth
D33 1798

MacDonell, Angus Esq 1828 Dec 24 Dec 27 1828

William P MacDonald Roderick MacDonald, Angus MacDonald SRAP This Elisabeth should be Mary which is what the gravestone inscriptions has. awf 20
Weir Andrew
B28 1830 Jan 26 Feb 14 1830 Weir, James McPherson, Margaret

Char 8C N24 MacDonell, Archibald McPherson, Anne Alex MacDonell

Young Angus
B109 1822 Dec 14 Dec 17 1822 Young, Archibald MacDonald, Mary

Darrach, Duncan McDougall, Mary J MacDonald

These sample BMD are as close to an exact copy as is possible.

Sample Baptisms
B 9 Isabel MacRae 1805
Isabel MacRae law full daughter of Christopher MacRae and Mary MacRae was born the 2nd and was baptized the 11th of April 1805. The sponsors were Allan MacDonell and Margaret MacDonell.
Alex. MacDonell MAP

B115 Alexander MacDonell
The 1st of August 1817, I the undersigned priest and Vicar of St Raphaels baptised Alexander born the 7th of July of the lawful marriage of Alexander MacDonell and of Mary Kennedy. Sponsors Alexander MacDonell and Sally MacDonell.
J. MacDonald p.

B1 Catherine MacGillis
On the 2nd day of January 1830, was baptised by me the undersigned priest, Catherine born on the 9th day of December 1829, lawful daughter of Donald MacGillis,farmer at the lot number 27 in the 8th concession of Lancaster, and of Sarah MacDougald. Sponsors Kenneth MacDonald and Margaret MacDonald
Edward Gordon priest

Sample Marriages
On the 5th day of Feb. 1811, John MacGillis lawful son of the deceased John McGillis and Janet MacMaster, and Rachel McDonald lawful daughter of Angus MacDonald and of Catherine McGillis after 3 proclamations of banns were joined in marriage by me in the parish church of St. Raphaels in the presence of several witnesses.
Alex McDonell M AP

July 25th. 1827, after 2 proclamations of banns in this parochial church without any impediment nor opposition having been discovered and the dispensation of the 3rd proclamation having been granted by the Reverend William Peter MacDonald vicar general, Joseph Alarè residing at the Gore son of Joseph Alarè and of Genevieve Rouillard from the city of Quebec in Lower Canada, and Marie Genevieve Bigras Fovelle daughter of Joseph Bigras Fovelle and of Magdelaine Cousineau from the parish of Saint Benôit were joined in marriage by me the undersigned priest with the approbation of the Reverend W. P. MacDonald, the curate of this parish in the presence of Mary Langlois, of Alexander MacDonell and several others.
John MacDonald, priest

M30 John MacDonald & Jane MacDonald
The 24th day of November 1835, was married by the undersigned priest according to the rites of the catholic church, after three proclamations in this parish without any opposition having been found to their marriage, John MacDonald son of Alexander MacDonald and of Jennet MacDonald in the 7th concession of Charlottenburgh, to Miss Jane MacDonald daughter of John MacDonald and of Jennet MacLeod in the 6th concession of Lancaster. Were present John MacDonald, Angus MacDonald, Alexander MacDonald and several others. John MacDonald, prst.

Sample Deaths
D 7 Mary MacDougald
The 27th day of June 1818, I the undersigned priest and vicar of St. Raphaels buried in the church yard at the church of St. Raphaels, Mary MacDougald, she departed yesterday June 26th at the age of 9 years and 3 months and 16 days, she is the daughter of Angus MacDougald and of Anna MacDonell.
J. MacDonald P.

D12 Mrs. Kirby
On the 5th day of September 1830, was interred by me the undersigned priest in the cemetery of St. Raphaels, the remains of Mrs. Kirby widow lately carne from Ireland, who died at Lancaster on the 3rd of September, aged 60 years. Present at her funeral were Maurice Conroy, James Beaumont, John Dunn and several others.
John MacDonald priest

D11 Kenneth Macdonell
The 1st day of April 1834, was interred in the cemetery of St. Raphaels, by me the undersigned priest, Kenneth Macdonell, deceased the day before yesterday (March 30th), aged 60 years and husband of Marie Macdonell of this parish, in presence of Donald , Archibald Macdonell, Joseph Pilon and several others.
J. Bte. Morin, priest

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